Kategori: Sitat

Our lives are on the line

So we’re sitting outside the Indian restaurant next door, having a beer in the late June evening sunshine, when a family walks by. First, the dad and two small sons, the dad wearing a taqiyah and djellaba; 10 steps behind them, two females in hijab. The dad spots us, and meets my eyes, and gives […]

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Thatcher endret syn på EU

Back in 1975, we may recall, when Mrs Thatcher had just become Tory leader, she played a very prominent role in the campaign to keep us in the Common Market. But after 11 years as prime minister, at “the heart of Europe”, she had completely reversed her view. This was because she had come to […]

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Frihetens pris er evig opposisjon

The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims, have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no […]

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The U.S. currently designates Pakistan as a “major non-NATO ally”—a status wholly inappropriate given that its current policy and conduct would better merit its inclusion on the State Department’s list of state-sponsors of terrorism. The U.N. Security Council is an appropriate venue in which to raise Pakistan’s aggression against Afghanistan. To help secure international support […]

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  «Tal, og du vil dø. Ti stille og du dør uansett. Altså: Tal og dø».   Den algeriske forfatter Tahar Djaout i 1993, en uke senere var han drept.  

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Ljudmila Ulitskaja observerer utslagene av en oppdragelseskatastrofe

«Tredveåringene i Russland forakter 60- og 70-tallets dissidenter, og holder dem ansvarlige for det som skjedde etterpå. Det er avskyelig og urett. Sovjetunionen falt fordi den var medtatt. Siden forventet man et perfekt system. Hvilket ikke inntraff. Og da frustrasjonen tok motivasjonens plass, ble 90-tallet malt i fiaskoens farger. […] I de siste årene har […]

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Ubetalelige Berglund Steen

Voksne, hvite menn – som selvsagt krever at hudfargen deres ikke skal tillegges noen som helst betydning – har gjort krav på absolutt definisjonsmakt over hvordan personer med mørk hud skal kunne framstilles. Det har selvsagt aldri vært noen mangel på dette maktforholdet opp igjennom historien. Stort sett hver gang folk på dette kontinentet har […]

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A spectre is once again haunting Europe, but it’s not that of populism. It’s the intransigence of established political parties who prefer to denounce populists rather than seek to understand what motivates their supporters. And the EU, which set out in hope of uniting the continent, has become a source of instability – sticking to an […]

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Hvem som helst, bare ikke the establishment

Trump is the purest expression of the politics of ‘NO!’ that I personally can recall. He’s the candidate for people who think the conventional wisdom of the American establishment is hopelessly out of touch with the real world. He’s the little boy saying that the emperor, or in this case, the aspiring empress, has no […]

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The tendency to look with suspicion upon excellence, both intellectual and moral, as «undemocratic» shows no  sign of diminishing. Richard M Weaver Ideas have consequences

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