De fem stråkarna spelar. Jag går hem genom ljumma skogar med marken fjädrande under mig kryper ihop som en ofödd, somnar, rullar viktlös in i framtiden, känner plötslig att växterna har tanker. Tranströmer
Les mer»Schubertiana II Människohjärnans ändlösa vidder är hopskrynklade till en knyttnäves storlek. I april återvänder svalan til sitt fjolårsbo under takrännan på just den ladan i just den socknen. Hon flyger från Transvaal, passerar ekvatorn, flyger under sex veckor över to kontinenter, styr mot just denna försvinnande prick i landmassan. Och han som fångar upp signalerna […]
Les mer»I kvällsmørkret på en plats utanför New York, en utsiktspunkt där man med en enda blick kan omfatta åtta miljoner människors hem. Jättestaden där borta är en lång flimrande driva, en spiralgalax från sidan. Inne i galaxen skuts kaffekoppar över disken, skyltfönstrenv tigger av förbipasserande, ett vimmel av skor som inte sätter nogra spår. De […]
Les mer»Om dagarna i skolan den dova myllrande fästningen. I skymningen gick jag hem under skyltarna. Då kom viskningen utan läppar: «Vakna sömn gångare!» och alla föremål pekade mot Rummet. Femte våningen, rummet mot gården. Lampan brann i en cirkel av skräck alla nätter. Jag satt utan ögonlock i sängen och såg bildband bildeband med de […]
Les mer»A poet is a servant of Eros who: «interprets between gods and men, conveying and talking across to the gods the prayers and sacrifices of men, and to the men the commands and replies of the gods; he is the mediator who spans the chasm which divides them, and therefore in him all is bound […]
Les mer»‘And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the Lake of Gennesaret. And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which […]
Les mer»Reader! (Lover) of books! (Lover) of heaven. And of that God from whom Who in mysterious Sinais awful cave, To Man the wond’rous art of writing gave. Again he speaks in thunder and in fire! Thunder of Thought, & flames of fierce desire: Even from the depths of Hell his voice I hear, Within the […]
Les mer»The Spectre is the Reasoning Power in Man, and when separated from Imagination and closing itself as in steel in a ratio of the things of Memory, It thence frames Laws and Moralities to destroy Imagination, the Divine Body, by Martyrdoms and Wars. William Blake
Les mer»The Spectre is the Reasoning Power in Man, and when separated from Imagination and closing itself as in steel in a Ratio of the Things of Memory, It thence frames Laws and Moralities to destroy Imagination, the Divine Body, by Martyrdoms and Wars. William Blake
Les mer»1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives. 2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them. 3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in […]
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