To appreciate Salona you must there in the proper spirit, knowing something at least of the story of the destruction of Roman Salonæ and of its palmy days in the preceding centuries. You must remember that the sea, which has since receded, once washed the city wall; that it was a naval station with its […]
Les mer»«For the gods perceive things in the fure, ordinary people things in the present, but the wise peceive things about to happen.» Philistratos, Life of Appolonios of Tyana, viii, 7. Ordinary mortals know what’s happening now, the gods know what the future holds because they alone are totally enlightened. Wise men are aware of future […]
Les mer»I den skønhed en hest opviser, stående i sol på en græsmark, som jeg i et tog kører forbi, få dage efter at min far døde – ser jeg ham pludselig igen. Det grønnes passage … Med samme ophøjede ro som Tarkovskijs heste i Den yderste dom udstråler i filmens sidste billeder, er min far […]
Les mer»When they saw Patroklos dead – so brave and strong, so young – the horses of Achilles began to weep: their immortal natures were outraged by this work of death they had to look at. They reared their heads, tossed their manes, beat the ground with their hooves, and mourned Patroklos, seeing him lifeless, destroyed, […]
Les mer»Solen går ned, en øjeblikkelig smerte flænser min far. Jeg sætter mig hos ham, tager hans hånd, kendt og ukendt – har ikke holdt den sådan før. Hans øjne flakker rundt i rummet, han spørger til bøger i min reol: Ekelöf, Ekman, Eliot, ser ud på aftenlyset i maj, kommenterer skyerne. De krakelerer på en […]
Les mer»I don’t like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtues are lifeless and it isn’t of much value. Life hasn’t revealed its beauty to them. Boris Pasternak Doctor Zhivago (1958)
Les mer»The doctrine of the Buddha is taught with reference to two truths – conventional truth and ultimate truth. Those who do not understand the difference between these two truths do not understand the profound essence of the doctrine of the Buddha. Nagarjuna, c. 2nd. cent. AD Root Verses of the Midddle Way ch. 24. v. […]
Les mer»I would rather be wrong, by God, with Plato…. than be correct with those men. Errare mehercule malo cum Platone … quam cum istis vera sentire. Cicero Tusculanae Disputationes
Les mer»If history records good things of good men, the thougtful hearer is encouraged to imitate what is good. Venerable Bede Ecclestiastical History of the English People, preface.
Les mer»Hende! jeg saa hende første gang en morgen saa trang, saa tung! Tys! hjertet svulmed: jeg hørte sang, som hvisken i rosenlund. Jeg lukked min mund for mit aandedræt, dog sjælen bruste derinde; jeg stirred kun til den ene plet: der stod hun, den ædle kvinde! Hamsun fra En Fløjte lød i mit Blod
Les mer»