Kategori: Poesi

De Quincy

What else than a natural and mighty palimpsest is the human brain? De Quincy Suspiria (1890)

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A book unwritten is more than a void. It accompanies the work one has done like an active shadow, both ironic and sorrowful. It is one of the lives we could have lived, one of the journeys we did not take. Philosophy teaches that negation can be determinant. It is more than a denial of […]

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A Falstaffian old scoundrel is summarily killed for no particular reason by the Cheka. When the narrator, himself a member of the political police, protests indignantly, til killer replies: «Tell me as a Chekist, tell me as a revolutionary. What good was this man for the society of the future?» Isaac Babel «Froim Grach» (avvist […]

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Beyond Good and Evil

….. a fateful simultaneity of spring and autumn ……Again there is danger, the mother of morality – great danger – but this time displaced onto the individual, onto the nearest and dearest, onto the street, onto one’s own child, one’s own heart, one’s own innermost secret recess of wish and will. Nietzsche (1882)

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Individuum est ineffabile.

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Oneir,-o = dream (Gk.) oneiric – of or relating to dreams; dreamy oneiromancy; divination by means of dreams oneirocritic : an interpreter of dreams.

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Entelechy pl. -chies 1) In the philosphy of Aristotle the condition of a thing whose essence is fully realized; actuality as distinguished from potentiality. 2) In various philosophical systems a vital force urging an organism towards self-fulfillment. Late latin: entelechia from Greek; entelekheia, complete reality: entelis, complete, full: en,int+telos, perfection, end. Ekhein, to have. Courage […]

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Between the computer, a pencil, and a typewriter half my day passes. One day it will be half a century. I live in strange cities and sometimes talk with strangers about matters strange to me. I listen to music a lot: Bach, Mahler, Chopin, Shostakovich. I see three elements in music: weakness, power, and pain. […]

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I watched the arctic landscape from above and thought of nothing, lovely nothing. I observed white canopies of clouds, vast expanses where no wolf tracks could be found. I thought about you and about the emptiness that can promise one thing only: plenitude— and that a certain sort of snowy wasteland bursts from a surfeit […]

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I would like to describe

I would like to describe the simplest emotion joy or sadness but not as others do reaching for shafts of rain or sun I would like to describe a light which is being born in me but I know it does not resemble any star for it is not so bright not so pure and […]

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