Kategori: Poesi


What they share is only the feeling of remoteness and desertion, of having marched for miles and miles, of having lost their bearings, of a restless urge to find water. W.H. Auden

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In 200 B.C

«Alexander son of Philip, and the Greeks except the Lacedaemonians–« We can very well imagine that they were utterly indifferent in Sparta to this inscription. «Except the Lacedaemonians», but naturally. The Spartans were not to be led and ordered about as precious servants. Besides a panhellenic campaign without a Spartan king as a leader would […]

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Archaic Torso of Apollo

Archaischer Torso Apollos Wir kannten nicht sein unerhörtes Haupt, darin die Augenäpfel reiften. Aber sein Torso glüht noch wie ein Kandelaber, in dem sein Schauen, nur zurückgeschraubt, sich hält und glänzt. Sonst könnte nicht der Bug der Brust dich blenden, und im leisen Drehen der Lenden könnte nicht ein Lächeln gehen zu jener Mitte, die […]

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Für Hans Carossa

Auch noch Verlieren ist unser; und selbst das Vergessen hat noch Gestalt in dem bleibenden Reich der Verwandlung. Losgelassenes kreist; und sind wir auch selten die Mitte einem der Kreise: sie ziehn um uns die heile Figur. Muzot, 7. Februar 1924 Losing too is still ours; and even forgetting still has a shape in the […]

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Dead Poem

Buried in a luxurious rain I only came to see you again. The grave is lonely The nearby road, busy. No one stops to talk to you anymore Words are too valuable these days. I will set my books down near your stone And watch the moss grow. I remember you used to frown If […]

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De kristne religionene var blodige og drepende idet de fjernet seg fra sine tekster, mens islam ble det idet den nærmet seg sine. Derfor foreslår forkjemperne for en fredelig islam å reformere Koranen ved å rense den for de voldelige versene mot de vantro. Eric Conan N’éteignons pas les Lumières,(La oss ikke slukke Opplysningstidens lys) […]

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The Choice (III)

Why did the world fly past me so quickly it did not let itself be held approached addressed in the familiar it pursued the vanishing point in fire and smoke Wrote Stone The Selected Poetry of Ryszard Kapuscinski

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The Choice (II)

To locate the true word which is in its prime is calm breaks not into hysterics has no fever experiences no depression it can be trusted to locate the pure word which didn’t slander didn’t snitch didn’t take part in a raid didn’t declare black white one can hope to locate the winged words which […]

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A choice

To walk away to slam the lid of silence or yet again to take up the effor anew to free the throat from the stranglehold to fight to breathe to pronounce a word to utter a whole sentence to speak up in haste before they once again apply the gag I know you’re waiting you […]

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Græsset er underligt højt for mig, som ligger med Næsen mod Jord. Bøjer jeg mig saa dybt som jeg kan, vokser min Verden sig stor. Under de grønlige Spidsbueporte standser jeg. Her vil jeg staa. Tør ej gaa vild i det lysende Mørke! Tør ej gaa vild mellem Straa! Inde i Straaenes dæmrende Haller er […]

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