Kategori: Poesi

Susana Soca

With lingering love she gazed at the dispersed Colors of dusk. It pleased her utterly To lose herself in the complex melody Or in the cunous life to be found in verse. lt was not the primal red but rather grays That spun the fine thread of her destiny, For the nicest distinctions and all […]

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He would drink by himself And raise a weathered thumb Towards the high shelf, Calling another rum And blackcurrant, without Having to raise his voice, Or order a quick stout By a lifting of the eyes And a discreet dumb-show Of pulling off the top; At closing time would go In waders and peaked cap […]

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General Pinochet In Hell (2)

Children blackened by explosions, red fragments of brain, corridors filled with gentle intestines, they all await you, all in the very posture of crossing the street, of kicking the ball, of swallowing a fruit, of smiling, or being born. Smiling. There are smiles now demolished by blood
that wait with scattered exterminated teeth and masks of […]

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General Pinochet In Hell (1)

Evil one, neither fire nor hot vinegar in a nest of volcanic witches, nor devouring ice, nor the putrid turtle that barking and weeping with the voice of dead woman scratches your belly seeking a wedding ring and the toy of a slaughtered child, will be for you anything but a dark demolished door. Indeed. […]

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Smerten regerede, fordi jeg ønskede mig noget andet, livet som en rutsjebane, atomare eksplosioner mellem tavsheds- løfter, ruinerne mellem et nej og et ja. Støvet falder på et pigtrådshegn med kvindelige former. Kære Laurentius i inderlommen, bønnen er en fugl. Simon Grotrian

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City That Does Not Sleep (2)

Another day we will watch the preserved butterflies rise from the dead and still walking through a country of gray sponges and silent boats we will watch our ring flash and roses spring from our tongue. Careful! Be careful! Be careful! The men who still have marks of the claw and the thunderstorm, and that […]

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City That Does Not Sleep (1)

In the sky there is nobody asleep. Nobody, nobody. Nobody is asleep. The creatures of the moon sniff and prowl about their cabins. The living iguanas will come and bite the men who do not dream, and the man who rushes out with his spirit broken will meet on the street corner the unbelievable alligator […]

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This afternoon it is raining, as never before; and I have no desire to live, my heart. This afternoon is sweet. Why should it not be? Dressed in grace and pain; dressed like a woman. This afternoon in Lima it is raining. And I recall the cruel caverns of my ingratitude; my block of ice […]

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Noen ugjerningsmenn har sprengt jernbanebroen Vognene brenner nede i dalen Sårede svømmer i det kokende vannet som strømmer ut fra det spjærede lokomotivet Levende fakler løper omkring mellom vrakrestene i stråler av damp Andre vogner er blitt hengende i 60 meters høyde Menn med elektriske lykter og acetylenlamper går nedover på stien Og redningsarbeidet organiseres […]

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Everything is plundered

Everything is plundered, betrayed, sold, Death’s great black wing scrapes the air, Misery gnaws to the bone. Why then do we not despair? By day, from the surrounding woods, cherries blow summer into town; at night the deep transparent skies glitter with new galaxies. And the miraculous comes so close to the ruined, dirty houses […]

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