Kategori: Poesi

Ett barn av Europa (I)

Vi, som insupar dagens ljuvhet i våra lungor och ser trädens grenar blomma i maj, vi är bättre än de som gick under. Vi som njuter av exotiska rätter och til fullo senterar kärlekens lekar, vi är bettre än de andra, de begravda. Från flammande ugnar, från taggtrådsstängsel, där oändliga höstars stormvind viner, från drabbningar, […]

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Ballade om at vi ikke går til grunne

og de som etterlot en ødslig hybel noen bøker et blekkhus uten blekk et ubeskrevet ark — sannelig de døde ikke helt i krattet høres deres hvisking i tapetet i taket bor et flatklemt hode fragment fra diktet Ballade om at vi ikke går til grunne av Zbigniew Herbert oversatt av Ole Michael Selberg

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Tatar’s wasteland

They left behind sawdust and stalks yellowed grass and dried-up bush cracked earth empty wells rock piles cold wind just bone and junk and mould and dust the tetter of rust and silence interrupted from time to time by an iron clamour and a barked command. Ryszard Kapuscinski

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A samurai once asked Zen Master Hakuin where he would go after he died. Hakuin answered «How am I supposed to know?» «How do you not know? You’re a Zen master!» exclaimed the samurai. «Yes, but not a dead one,» Hakuin answered. — Zen proverb

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Abandoned love (III)

I’ve given up the game, I’ve got to leave, The pot of gold is only make-believe. The treasure can’t be found by men who search Whose gods are dead and whose queens are in the church. We sat in an empty theater and we kissed, I asked ya please to cross me off-a your list. […]

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Abandoned love (II)

Everybody’s wearing a disguise To hide what they’ve got left behind their eyes. But me, I can’t cover what I am Wherever the children go I’ll follow them. I march in the parade of liberty But as long as I love you I’m not free. How long must I suffer such abuse Won’t you let […]

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Abandoned love (I)

I can hear the turning of the key I’ve been deceived by the clown inside of me. I thought that he was righteous but he’s vain Oh, something’s a-telling me I wear the ball and chain. My patron saint is a-fighting with a ghost He’s always off somewhere when I need him most. The Spanish […]

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They have banished me from my land like a bird from its nest; all my friends and borthers are driven far from me og view me as a broken pot. But these lying teachers and false diviners have made devilish plots against me to exchange Your law; engraved in my heart, for smoothy things for […]

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Au Lecteur (III)

Si le viol, le poison, le poignard, l’incendie, N’ont pas encor brodé de leurs plaisants dessins Le canevas banal de nos piteux destins, C’est que notre âme, hélas! n’est pas assez hardie. Mais parmi les chacals, les panthères, les lices, Les singes, les scorpions, les vautours, les serpents, Les monstres glapissants, hurlants, grognants, rampants, Dans […]

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Au Lecteur (II)

Ainsi qu’un débauché pauvre qui baise et mange Le sein martyrisé d’une antique catin, Nous volons au passage un plaisir clandestin Que nous pressons bien fort comme une vieille orange. Serré, fourmillant, comme un million d’helminthes, Dans nos cerveaux ribote un peuple de Démons, Et, quand nous respirons, la Mort dans nos poumons Descend, fleuve […]

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