Kategori: Poesi

I arbetets utkanter

Mitt under arbetet börjar vi lengta vilt efter vild grönska efter Ödemarken själv, bara gjennomträngd av telefontrådernas tunne civilisation. Fortidens måne kretsar kring planeten Arbete med dess massa och tyngd. -Det är så de vill ha det. När vi är på hemväg spetsar marken öronen. Underjorden lyssnar på oss via grässtråna. Också den här arbetsdagen […]

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Natten efter olyckan drömde jag om en koppärrig man som gick och sjöng i gränderna. Danton! Inte den andre – Robespierre tar inte såna promenader. Robespierre gör omsorgsfullt toalett en timme på morgonen, resten av dygnet ägnar han åt Folket. I pamfletternas paradis, bland dygdens maskiner. Danton – eller den som bar hans mask – […]

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The Falklands thing was a fight between two bald men over a comb. Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986) application of a proverbial phrase, in Time 14. februar 1983

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Oscar Wilde

A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Oscar Wilde, definition of a cynic, Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892)

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King Lear

Nothing wil come of nothing; speak again. W. Shakespeare King Lear

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I think I heard you say that Laius was murdered at a place where three ways meet? Sophocles (c.496-406 BC) Oedipus Tyrannus

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Homage to thee, Perfect Wisdom, Boundless and transcending thought! All thy limbs are without blemish, Faultless those who Thee discern. «Hymn to Perfect Wisdom» by Rahulabhadra (ca. 150 AD)

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Tryin’ to get to heaven

People on the platforms Waiting for the trains I can hear their hearts a-beatin’ Like pendulums swinging on chains When you think that you lost everything You find out you can always lose a little more I’m just going down the road feeling bad Trying to get to heaven before they close the door Bob […]

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Shelag Delaney

Women never have young minds. They are born three thousand years old. Shelag Delaney A taste of honey (1959)

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He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. Aristotle Politics, bk. I

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