Kategori: Nytt

If America were to emulate

If America were to emulate Ireland and Norway, there’d be a lot more dead Indonesians and Sri Lankans. (…) the actual relief effort going on right now is being done by the Yanks … The Americans send the UN the occasional postal order, too. In fact, 40 per cent of Egeland’s budget comes from Washington […]

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President Vladimir V. Putin on

President Vladimir V. Putin on Monday abruptly reduced the responsibilities of a senior adviser who last week issued a sweeping criticism of the Kremlin’s leadership and expressed deep misgivings about the direction in which Russia was headed. In a presidential decree released without further comment, Mr. Putin relieved the adviser, Andrei N. Illarionov, of his […]

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Dagsrevyen melder at den har

Dagsrevyen melder at den har fått flere henvendelser som går ut på at det er feil ved listen over de 275 savnede. Blant annet skal det være oppført navn på personer som befinner seg i Norge.

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1.1: Bondeviks nyttårstale, full av

1.1: Bondeviks nyttårstale, full av velmente ord, som skal dekke virkeligheten, men ender med å gjøre vold på den. Spesielt opprørende: at det nå reiste seg en motbølge, en annen slags tsunami, av godhet, engasjement, solidaritet. Usmakelig bilde. Men kirken er besatt av disse bildene. Av å finne sammenligninger. Er de inspirert av Jesu lignelser? […]

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The group of Abu Musab

The group of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aired a video on the Internet Saturday purporting to show the execution of five members of the Iraqi National Guard in the militant stronghold of Ramadi west of Baghdad. The video showed five men in civilian clothes being fatally shot in the back after they were shown sitting on […]

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«- UD sendte meg først

«- UD sendte meg først mail om at krisesenteret er på et annet sykehus. Og til tross for at både jeg og resten av familien har meldt om våre savnede flere ganger, var de ikke registrert da jeg etter hvert kom til rett sted. Her sitter det to middelaldrende menn og skriver på lapper. Det […]

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Western churches are using

Western churches are using humanitarian cover to proselytise among the distressed population of Sudan’s Muslim-majority Darfur, the official SUNA news agency reported Saturday. The agency quoted a senior official in North Darfur state, Al-Nur Mohammed Ibrahim, as lashing out at «missionary campaigns being launched by some Western church organisations under the cover of humanitarian action.» […]

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British foreign secretary Jack Straw:

British foreign secretary Jack Straw: «For all the huge advances in the control of our lives through science and technology an earthquake on this scale is truly humbling as well as profoundly tragic for everyone involved.»

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«…the belief in the existence

«…the belief in the existence of a Western conspiracy to undermine Russia is now widespread, and not by accident: Russian media hint darkly at the «Western money» that is funding Chechen terrorism and Ukrainian demonstrators, and most Russians, still more than willing to think ill of the West, and still unable to understand how they […]

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An ABC News/Washington Post poll

An ABC News/Washington Post poll suggested on Monday that a majority of Americans now believe the war in Iraq was not worth fighting. Of those questioned, 56% said the cost of the Iraq conflict outweighed its benefits. The poll suggested that while a slight majority believe the war has contributed to the long-term security of […]

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