Kategori: Nytt

A leading Dutch Muslim politician

A leading Dutch Muslim politician [Ayaan Hirsi Ali], who received death threats after criticising Islamic attitudes to women, took her seat in parliament again yesterday after more than two months in hiding. (…) She said yesterday she intended to publish a second volume of her controversial book Submission, which was the basis of the film. […]

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I 1996 flyttet norsk-pakistanske Deepika

I 1996 flyttet norsk-pakistanske Deepika fra Oslo til London etter trusler fra det muslimske miljøet. Nå trues hun i den engelske hovedstaden også. Deepika har skiftet artistnavn til Deeyah, og 31. januar slippes hennes første britiske single. (…) I går fortalte det asiatiske nyhetsbyrået IANS at Deeyah (27) i det siste er blitt truet. Hennes […]

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The first known visual evidence

The first known visual evidence of dissent within the world’s most secretive state emerged yesterday when video footage taken in a North Korean factory showed a portrait of the dictator, Kim Jong-il, defaced with graffiti demanding freedom and democracy. Telegraph(registrering)

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An Israeli teenager critically wounded

An Israeli teenager critically wounded when a Palestinian rocket hit the southern Israeli town of Sderot, was pronounced brain dead Tuesday, hospital officials said. Ella Abuksis, 17, was wounded Saturday night when the Qassam rocket slammed into the street where she was walking home from a youth group with her 10-year-old brother, Tamir, and friends. […]

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Iran innrømmer feil å stevne Shirin Ebadi for retten

Iranske myndigheter innrømmet tirsdag at det ble begått en feil da nobelprisvinner Shirin Ebadi ble innkalt til en revolusjonsdomstol som behandler sikkerhetssaker. Saken gjaldt en privat klage over en «fornærmelse» og hadde ikke noe i en slik domstol å gjøre, beklaget påtalemyndighetens talsmann. En funksjonær hadde gjort en feil. Men talsmannen kritiserte også Ebadi for […]

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«I believe the whole of

«I believe the whole of Britain has become Dar ul-Harb (land of war). (In such a state) «the kuffar (non-believer) has no sanctity for their own life or property.» Imam Omar Bakri Mohammed

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“I believe the whole of

“I believe the whole of Britain has become Dar ul-Harb (land of war). (In such a state) “the kuffar (non-believer) has no sanctity for their own life or property.” Imam Omar Bakri Mohammed

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The Church of England took

The Church of England took a radical step towards backing ‘mercy killing’ of terminally ill patients last night after one of its leading authorities said that there was a ‘strong compassionate case’ for voluntary euthanasia. Canon Professor Robin Gill, a chief adviser to Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, said people should not be prosecuted […]

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Iraks visestatsminister Barham Salih om

Iraks visestatsminister Barham Salih om forsøket på å ødelegge valget: «In Iraq we have a lethal alliance between former Saddamists and these global Jihadists. Saddam Hussein’s people have taken a lot of money from the Iraqi treasury. We know of the existence of many of these leaders from the former regime in countries like Syria,» […]

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The man appointed to oversee

The man appointed to oversee a management shake-up at the United Nations has warned that it must brace itself for wide-ranging reform amid criticism that now extends far beyond the ranks of the American right. In an interview with the Financial Times, Mark Malloch Brown warned the UN that there could be worse to come […]

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