Kategori: Nytt

27.1: En dag i Auschwitz-markeringens

27.1: En dag i Auschwitz-markeringens tegn. Norske aviser mest preget av pliktløp. En gripende musikalsk sending fra Auschwitz ikveld på nrk2, felles for hele Europa. Det sa mer enn mange taler. Valgte å gå og høre Alain Finkielkraut snakke om europeisk identitet, i stedet for Akershusstranda. Han snakket veldig mye om nettopp Auschwitz. At det […]

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The Shroud of Turin, believed

The Shroud of Turin, believed by some to be Christ’s burial cloth, is much older than previously thought according to a new study in a peer-reviewed journal. The research paper claims carbon dating tests undertaken on the cloth in 1988, which concluded the linen sheet was an mediaeval fake, were inaccurate because not the actual […]

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A Dutch court sentenced two

A Dutch court sentenced two members of a rap group to 150 hours community service on Thursday for writing a rap song with lyrics threatening a prominent politician critical of Islam. The two members of rap group DHC were also given a two-month suspended jail sentence by a court in The Hague after they were […]

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A Serbian army general, Vladimir

A Serbian army general, Vladimir Lazarevic, has surrendered and will go to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague next week to face charges. Mr Lazarevic is one of four generals indicted 15 months ago in connection with war crimes in Kosovo in 1999. His surrender was announced by the Serbian government on Friday. […]

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Terrormistenkt nordmann fengslet

En norsk statsborger sitter fengslet utenfor London, siktet for å ha skaffet radioaktivt materiale til terrorbruk. 52-åringen, som ble norsk statsborger i 1997, ble arrestert i London i september etter at han ifølge siktelsen skaffet en kilo av det radioaktive materialet red mercury (rødt kvikksølv), skriver VG. Det radioaktive materialet kan brukes i såkalte skitne […]

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«Let us remember that we

«Let us remember that we are on the site of the most gigantic cemetery in the world, a cemetery where there are no graves, no stones, but where the ashes of more than one million people lie» — Polish Culture Minister Waldemar Dabrowski opening the ceremony.

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«Evil is real but hope

«Evil is real but hope endures» — proclamation from US President George W. Bush in Washington on Tuesday.

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Democrat Senator Edward Kennedy

Democrat Senator Edward Kennedy said on Thursday the United States should start to withdraw militarily and politically and aim to pull out all troops as early as possible next year. Former Republican secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and George Shultz, in contrast, have warned that withdrawal too early could ignite a civil war «that would […]

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Magazine > The Next

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25.1: Lest i forget: David

25.1: Lest i forget: David Rieff på BBC radio igår, hørte han snakke om FN: at det aldri har forekommet at en topptjenestemann har trukket seg i skam eller vanære. Ikke etter Rwanda, ikke etter Bosnia. Og sikkert ikke etter Darfur. Hvem? vi kan begynne med Annan selv, og gjerne ta med vår egen T. […]

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