Kategori: Nytt

Abbas anklager «terrorister» for Tel

Abbas anklager «terrorister» for Tel Aviv-angrep: «De som utførte angrepet, er terrorister. Dette er en tredje part som ønsker å sabotere denne prosessen,» sier Abbas. Adresseavisen/NTB

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IRAQ’S ELECTION let the cat

IRAQ’S ELECTION let the cat of the bag for an entire region, just as the fall of the Berlin Wall did for Central Europe in 1989. The terrorists said, «you vote, you die,» and the people gave the terrorists the finger – stained with purple ink… It is no longer possible for the surrounding dictatorships […]

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En ledende fransk FN-tjenestemann drev

En ledende fransk FN-tjenestemann drev en pedofil internett-ring fra Kongo… Det er rapportert om flere massevoldtekter… Ifølge nyhetsbyrået AP har FN vært tilbakeholdne med å slå ned på overgrepene av frykt for å fornærme de få landene som er villige til å bidra med fredsstyrker. FN-soldater voldtar barn

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Lebanon’s Defence Minister Abdel Rahim

Lebanon’s Defence Minister Abdel Rahim Mrad said on Thursday Syrian forces would soon start redeploying to Lebanon’s eastern Bekaa Valley. Mrad said it was clear that the retreat would go ahead «in the near future» following a Syrian statement earlier in the day on withdrawing troops to the Bekaa in line with the Taif Accord […]

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Nederland vil utvise tre radikale

Nederland vil utvise tre radikale imamer som etterretningstjenesten mener er en sikkerhetstrussel. Etterretningstjenesten mener moskeene brukes som et rekrutteringssted for hellige krigere, melder det nederlandske nyhetsbyrået ANP. Radikale imamer «er en naturlig bru til vold, det vil si til terrorisme», sier Stephane Berthomet, tidligere terroristetterforsker i det franske innenriksdepartementet, ifølge nyhetsbyrået AP. De er også […]

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About 3,000 conscripts die each

About 3,000 conscripts die each year while doing their mandatory service in the Russian army, according to Veronika Marchenko at the Mother’s Right Foundation. The most dangerous places to serve are in the Moscow region and the North Caucasus region surrounding Chechnya. Human Rights House

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Putins demokrati: «De fundamentale prinsippene

Putins demokrati: «De fundamentale prinsippene for demokrati og demokratiske institusjoner må tilpasses den russiske virkeligheten i dag, våre tradisjoner og vår historie.» (Vladimir Putin)

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Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal cautioned the international community against blaming Syria for Hariri’s murder and dismissed calls for an immediate international probe into the case. According to reports in the London-based Al-Sharq al-Awsat Arab newspaper, Al-Faisal had said: «We cannot accuse one side before knowing all the facts.» The Daily Star

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BRITAIN’S largest defence company, BAE

BRITAIN’S largest defence company, BAE Systems, will not sell arms to China if the European Union lifts its arms embargo, for fear of jeopardising its extensive American interests… The disclosure to The Times last night added fuel to the longrunning dispute between the United States and EU, which threatens to sour the new mood of […]

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Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei

Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei has scrapped his proposed cabinet list and promised a fresh team after angry MPs threatened to vote him from office. Almost all MPs who spoke in a stormy parliament session opposed a cabinet they said was stacked with members of the old guard tainted by corruption. A new line-up of […]

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