Islamic militants are reported to have obtained military explosives from sources in Belgrade in recent years. timesonline
Les mer»Leeds: «I just can’t believe that young lad, with his whole life ahead of him, would carry a bomb on his back and get on a bus and blow himself up,» Ms. Reynolds said. «I believe it happened, but what on earth would have made him do it?» The news rocked Leeds, a city of […]
Les mer»LONDON, July 11 – The Church of England voted on Monday to move towards ordaining women bishops, a step which could provoke an exodus of conservative clergy and deepen the widening splits within the worldwide Anglican Communion. A synod meeting in the city of York voted to «remove legal obstacles» in Church law to women […]
Les mer»-Jeg føler ikke din smerte. Jeg må innrømme at jeg ikke har noen sympati for deg. Jeg kan ikke føle med deg, fordi jeg tror du er en ikke-troende. Theo van Goghs drapsmann Mohammed Bouyeri til den dreptes mor. -Jeg drepte på grunn av min overbevisning. Hvis jeg slipper ut igjen, skal jeg gjøre det […]
Les mer»LISBON, July 11 – European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Monday terrorism was a risk of modern life and more people died on Portuguese highways than in terror attacks, Lusa news agency reported. Barroso said he and EU Justice Minister Franco Frattini would lay out an anti-extremist action plan at a Wednesday news […]
Les mer»Etter å ha tilbrakt helgen stort sett med aviser og TV, kan man konstatere at norske medier gjør en dårlig jobb. Det er lite kreativitet, liten vilje til å sette seg inn i tingene, og grave seg ned. Er det fordi de ikke gidder, eller fordi det kan bli farlig? Sunday Times oppslag om fremveksten […]
Les mer»KINSHASA, July 11 – Rwandan rebels killed 26 women and children in a raid on a village in eastern Congo, burning young mothers alive in their huts in one of the worst massacres in the area for months, a medical charity said on Monday. A Congolese government official quoted rebels as putting the death toll […]
Les mer»London: The names of two women who died in last week’s London bombings were made public today, as the confirmed death toll from the attacks rose to 52. Susan Levy, 53, of Newgate Street Village, Cuffley, Hertfordshire, died in the tube train explosion near King’s Cross on Thursday and was the first among the dead […]
Les mer»Historiske kirkesamfunn, som lutherske og tradisjonelle reformerte, er for mange franskmenn helt ukjente. Samtidig er motviljen mot evangelikale eller mer karismatiske retninger sterk, ikke minst fordi mange forbinder slike med USA og president George W. Bush, som ikke står spesielt høyt i kurs i Frankrike. Ikke minst ble dette styrket av mange TV-dokumentarer i forbindelse […]
Les mer»THE HAGUE, July 10 – Two families of victims of Bosnia’s Srebrenica massacre will sue the Dutch government for failing to offer sufficient protection to their relatives, their lawyer told Dutch television Sunday. «They had the right to be protected because they were employed by the battalion of the Dutch UN peacekeepers,» said Liesbeth Zegveld […]
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