Kategori: Nytt

Don’t Mention the War: “NGOs

Don’t Mention the War: “NGOs and media outlets which advocate the establishment of the rule of law and bringing to justice those who have violated other people’s human rights in the past, are exposed to insults, threats and attacks by nationalist political parties, extreme nationalist political groups, some media and individuals glorifying indicted war criminals […]

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Det kjennes kjeisamt bare å

Det kjennes kjeisamt bare å befatte seg med politikk og verdens elendighet. Kunsten gir pusterom, og håp. Når impulsen er der, vil vi bringe tekster og bilder som kan være en motvekt til det dagsaktuelle. Det finnes selvfølgelig en indre sammenheng. På mange plan. Det meste har skjedd før. Ikke så veldig mye er helt […]

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Statistikk: Bare 3 prosent av

Statistikk: Bare 3 prosent av norskpakistanere som gifter seg i Pakistan, gjør det av kjærlighet. Samtidig gifter over halvparten seg med en slektning. … 68 prosent svarte at familien arrangerte ekteskapet. vg nett HRS

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Innvandrer-Oslo: – Utlendingene styrer Oslo.

Innvandrer-Oslo: – Utlendingene styrer Oslo. Jeg er imidlertid mer redd for å holde tale foran en fullsatt sal, enn å møte tjue pakistanere med kniv i et mørkt smug. Bakgrunnen min gjør at jeg kan føle meg safe, forteller Kevin. aftenposten.no

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EMBASSIES and foreign organisations in

EMBASSIES and foreign organisations in Bosnia have stepped up security after police in Sarajevo arrested two men who were apparently preparing to carry out a suicide bomb attack. The two, who hold Swedish and Turkish citizenship but who are believed to have come from the former Yugoslavia, are said to have been under surveillance for […]

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Imperiet: Having recently written a

Imperiet: Having recently written a book with the subtitle The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, I am regularly asked when exactly I expect that fall to happen. The answer is not this year, next year or the year after that. Not this decade. And quite probably not this century either. Niall Ferguson

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Irak-motstand: Millions of Iraqis believe

Irak-motstand: Millions of Iraqis believe that suicide attacks against British troops are justified, a secret military poll commissioned by senior officers has revealed. The poll, undertaken for the Ministry of Defence and seen by The Sunday Telegraph, shows that up to 65 per cent of Iraqi citizens support attacks and fewer than one per cent […]

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Guardian-journalist løslatt

BAGHDAD, Oct 20 – An Irish journalist freed on Thursday after 36 hours in the hands of Baghdad kidnappers said he wanted to go reporting on Iraq. Rory Carroll, 33, a correspondent for the London-based Guardian newspaper, said his ordeal ended when his captors bundled him into a car and dropped him in central Baghdad […]

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Saddam: There has been no

Saddam: There has been no head of state like Saddam in the world since the death of Hitler, in his combination of tyranny of his own people, aggression against his neighbours and defiance of international order. In that respect, he is a second Hitler and deserves the fate the Allies of 1945 had prepared for […]

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«Elektron»-saken er en påminnelse om

«Elektron»-saken er en påminnelse om hva Norge begir seg ut på hvis det går inn på et samarbeid med Russland om olje- og gassutvinning i nord. Dagens «bortføring» av de to norske inspektørene er en klar demonstrasjon av hvem som har makten og er villig til å bruke den. Det er verdt å merke seg […]

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