Two New York teenage girls were arrested and are in federal custody after authorities said they planned to become suicide bombers on U.S. soil, law enforcement sources said on Thursday. The two 16-year-olds, born in Bangladesh and Guinea, were arrested March 24 on immigration charges, and are considered a threat to U.S. security, the sources […]
Les mer»Skråblikk på media: To småsaker igår, symbolske, som jeg vil subsumere under tittelen: Flipp: En kunstner skal sette opp 30 hvite kors foran Stortinget, som en dårlig kopi av Kjartan Slettemarks Vietnam-bilde på 60-tallet. Dybden i kunstnernes politiske syn får man en pekepinn om når han hevder at USA siden annen verdenskrig bare har stått […]
Les mer»Sosiopolitisk likeverd for begge kjønn ble akseptert etter det annet vatikankonsil, men samtidig opprettholdes forbudet mot prevensjon som professoren mener er et hinder for kvinners fulle deltagelse på alle områder i samfunnet. – Ideen om spesifikke roller og plikter for de to kjønn slik Wojtyla forfektet er helt i samsvar med islam. Teologiprofessor Kari Elisabeth […]
Les mer»Some 8,000 students demonstrated for political reform at four Egyptian universities on Tuesday in what is fast becoming a weekly or even a daily ritual. But the students, at al-Azhar, Helwan and Ain Shams in Greater Cairo and at Kafr el-Sheikh in the Nile Delta, did not leave campus — a step which often leads […]
Les mer»Jordskjelv:The massive tremor that struck northern Indonesia this week has confirmed experts’ fears that a December earthquake set off a domino effect of seismic instability that could last decades and kill thousands. Seismologists are already sure that Monday’s magnitude 8.7 quake off Sumatra island was a direct result of raised stress levels in the earth’s […]
Les mer»JERUSALEM: Israel’s Supreme Court dealt a blow to the power of the rabbinical establishment Thursday by ordering the state to recognise non-Orthodox conversions to Judaism, including those in the Reform and Conservative movements. Orthodox rabbis, who had control over conversion under Israeli law, reacted angrily to the ruling, which means a wider pool of converts […]
Les mer»IRAK: Casualties among coalition forces in Iraq in March fell to their lowest level in more than a year, according to figures from the US and British defence departments and the US central command. The data show 39 US and coalition troops were killed during the month, the lowest since February 2004. (FT)
Les mer»Bagdad:Is it rolling Bob? The Iraqi national assembly appointed a speaker and two deputy speakers today, taking the first, if symbolic, step in installing a new government. In last-minute dealmaking on Saturday and this morning, the leaders of the top political parties settled on naming as speaker Hajim al-Hassani, a prominent Sunni Arab and the […]
Les mer»MULLA KREKAR: Två irakiska män, 29 och 25 år gamla, anklagas för att ha styrt en svensk terrorcell med koppling till den religiöse ledaren Mullah Krekar. På måndag väntas de bli åtalade för medhjälp till terroristbrott genom mord och allmänfarlig ödeläggelse i Irak. Över 100 personer kan ha dödats. (Dagens Nyheter)
Les mer»Advokat Jon Christian Elden synes politiets aksjon mot Sogn videregående minner om politistatsmetoder. Advokatene er blitt akkurat som politikere; der hvor de ser en mulighet til å profilere seg, gjør de det. Om det er galt eller riktig, spiller ingen rolle. Dte er effekten som teller. Elevenes reaksjon er likedan: de forstår at politiet aksjonerer, […]
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