Kategori: Nytt

17.02: jeg hadde håpet å

17.02: jeg hadde håpet å kunne spørre Dag Solstad om perspektivet fra Berlin: om Theo van Gogh og situasjonen i Europa. Er ytringsfriheten truet? Hvordan blir det å være forfatter i fremtiden? Istedet ble det en lang norsk debatt. Nokså uvesentlig i mine øyne. Tur til byen idag: en endeløs strøm av bøker på mammut. […]

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Israel’s defense minister ordered a

Israel’s defense minister ordered a halt Thursday to the controversial policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinian suicide bombers and gunmen after an internal army review concluded it has not deterred attackers but has inflamed hatred. Since the 1967 Middle East War, Israel has razed more than 2,400 Palestinian homes — leaving thousands of people […]

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Gay Turks are hoping Ankara’s

Gay Turks are hoping Ankara’s bid to join the European Union will bolster their legal rights in a Muslim society where homosexuality is kept under tight wraps. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has its roots in political Islam, has passed a swathe of reforms aimed at meeting EU human rights criteria, but […]

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16.02: Outrage: jeg kunne vanskelig

16.02: Outrage: jeg kunne vanskelig tro mine egne øyne: Norsk Hydro presenterte historisk overskudd, og der står Eivind Reiten og sier at Hydro skal inn i Sudan! Oljeministeren bekrefter at Hydro-representanter var i landet for to uker siden. Leser de ikke aviser i Hydro? Hører de ikke nyheter? Vet de ikke at regimet i Darfur […]

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Iran and Syria say they

Iran and Syria say they are to form a common front to face challenges and threats from overseas. «We are ready to help Syria on all grounds to confront threats,» Iranian Vice-President Mohammad Reza Aref said after meeting Syrian PM Naji al-Otari. BBC News (…) Washington is considering new sanctions against Syria because of its […]

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Philippine security forces hunted on

Philippine security forces hunted on Tuesday for the bombers behind blasts in Manila and two other cities that killed 11 people on Valentine’s Day, while investigating a Muslim rebel claim of responsibility. Abu Sayyaf, a small Muslim militant group linked to al Qaeda, said it carried out the attacks in crowded public places on Monday […]

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Germany said Tuesday it had

Germany said Tuesday it had deported to Egypt a firebrand imam who preached holy war at a provincial mosque that police say is a hotbed of anti-western radicalism. After his last-minute appeal for political asylum failed, the 37-year-old Egyptian was put on a plane to Cairo on Monday. The authorities have clamped down hard on […]

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The city of Amsterdam has

The city of Amsterdam has financed a secret refuge for young homosexuals from an Islamic background, sources involved in the initiative said Friday. The project «is a place for young Muslims who have difficulties in living their sexuality as homosexuals as a result of their religion,» said Astrid van der Haver, spokeswoman for the Schroeder […]

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Palestinian security officials have received

Palestinian security officials have received threats that the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, could be killed by Iranian-backed Hizbollah terrorists if he continues moves towards reconciliation with Israel. (Telegraph) Mr Abbas agreed a ceasefire with Israel and shook hands with its prime minister, Ariel Sharon, at last week’s summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Palestinian officials sounded […]

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Interessant bok: On Bullshit av

Interessant bok: On Bullshit av filosofiprofessor Harry G. Frankfurt. Princeton. Han spør: hvorfor blir vi så opprørt over løgner, men reagerer ikke på alt det andre som er skrevet uten hensyn til sannhet. Store deler av samfunnet blir drevet ut fra bullshit-prinsippet: underholdning, medier, politikk: er ikke først og fremst opptatt av hva som er […]

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