Kategori: Nytt

BEIJING – Wal-Mart Stores Inc.

BEIJING – Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to open 12 to 15 new stores in China this year, the president of the U.S. retailer’s international business said on Wednesday, as it tries to keep pace with such competitors as Carrefour S.A. Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, opened its 46th store in China on Wednesday. It has […]

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GAZA – A top Palestinian

GAZA – A top Palestinian minister called on Wednesday for the suspension of a Muslim preacher who described Jews as «a virus resembling AIDS» and questioned the Holocaust in a sermon broadcast live on Palestinian television. Palestinian Minister of Information Nabil Shaath told Reuters he had asked the Muslim Waqf and Religious Affairs Ministry, who […]

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TBILISI – A grenade thrown

TBILISI – A grenade thrown toward President Bush during a visit to Georgia last week was a threat to the American leader and only failed to explode because of a malfunction, the FBI said on Wednesday. In a statement, a Federal Bureau of Investigation official at the U.S. embassy said the grenade, thrown while Bush […]

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India’s defense minister, Pranab Mukherjee,

India‘s defense minister, Pranab Mukherjee, had announced plans to build a $662 million aircraft carrier. It would be the first built by a developing country and, were it afloat today, would be the largest under the flag of any nation east of Europe and west of the United States, officials and analysts say. (iht)

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In brief: Sidsel Wold hadde

In brief: Sidsel Wold hadde igår et prisverdig innslag på radio om æresdrap blant palestinere. Hun viste til seks kjente tilfeller bare de siste åtte ukene. En jente i Ramallah forelsket seg i en kristen palestinsk gutt. De forsøkte å rømme til Jordan, men ble tatt igjen av jentas bror som slo henne helseløs. Hun […]

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Saudi dømmer reformaktivister til lange straffer

Saudi-Arabia har dømt tre kjente reformaktivister til straffer fra seks til ni år i fengsel. Forbrytelsen: de gikk inn for at det absolutte eneveldet erstattes med en konstitusjonelt monarki. Det er å drive undergraving og destabilisere landet, ifølge myndighetene. I alt ble 12 arrestert i mars ifjor. Ni slapp ut etter å ha blitt presset […]

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Irak: «I explained that their

Irak: «I explained that their tactics were alienating the civil population and could lengthen the insurgency by a decade. Unfortunately, when we explained our rules of engagement which are based around the principle of minimum force, the US troops just laughed.» Britisk offiser til Telegraph

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Washington: As Mr. Voinovich’s refusal

Washington: As Mr. Voinovich’s refusal to support Mr. Bolton’s nomination demonstrates, «the vanishing center» — as another centrist Republican, Senator Olympia J. Snowe of 2_kommentare, often says — can still play a powerful role. There are just four core centrists in the Senate, Mr. Chafee, Ms. Collins, Ms. Snowe and Mr. Specter. Out of 44 […]

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Teheran: European officials notified Iran

Teheran: European officials notified Iran for the first time yesterday that they will walk away from two years of talks and sign on to a Bush administration strategy for punitive measures against Tehran if it makes good on threats to resume nuclear work in coming days. In a sharply worded letter to Hassan Rouhani, the […]

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Journalister og mediene holder dyre

Journalister og mediene holder dyre seminarer, hvor de skal lære mer. Hvorfor invitererer de da mennesker som kun bekrefter deres fordommer? Jeg tenker på SKUP-konferansen på Gardermoen, hvor en av gjestene var Gilligan, BBC-reporteren som påsto at Blair-regjeringen sexet opp en rapport om Saddam og WMD. Det hjelper ikke at Hutton-rapporten avslørte at Gilligan løy; […]

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