Kategori: Kort

Tenåringsjente slått

Stjørdal: To unge menn av utenlandsk opprinnelse tropper opp hjemme hos en tenåringsjente og slår henne. Bladet (tidligere Stjørdalens Blad)

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Trondheim-politi mangler hjemmel til å forby overnatting i parker

Adressa mandag 17. juni side 10 og 11. “Politiet kan ikke følge tiggervedtak”. Politikerne vil stoppe tiggere som overnatter i parker og offentlige rom i Tr.heim. -Vi mangler hjemmel sier politiet som heller ikke vil bruke ressurser for å avdekke tomgangskjøring. De sover i bilene. Det skrives også om spytting og drapstrusler mot romfolk.

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Asylmottak i alpinsenter

Adressa lørdag 15. juni side 8. “Vil ha asylmottak i alpinsenter” Dette gjelder Oppdal. Rådmannen går imot og har engasjert advokat for å finne ut om kommunen har hjemmel til å stoppe planene. Hørte dessuten på nyhetene i morges om å opprette asylmottak i kommunene, imot lokalpolitikernes vilje.

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Dutch teenagers and father jailed for kicking linesman to death

Six teenage boys and one of their fathers have been jailed for manslaughter, public violence and brutality after beating an amateur football linesman to death last year. The Telegraph

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Turkish government says it may use army to end protests

The government would use «all its powers» and the armed forces if necessary, Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said on state-run television. BBC

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New Governor Shock to Some Inside Egypt

Egypt’s Islamist president appointed a new governor of Luxor on Sunday who comes from the political arm of an Islamist group that once carried out terrorist attacks that killed dozens of tourists, soldiers and police officers in the same city. The New York Times

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Iran will send 4,000 troops to aid Bashar al-Assad’s forces in Syria

The Independent: A military decision has been taken in Iran to send a first contingent of 4,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Syria. US urges Britain and France to join in supplying arms to Syrian rebels as MPs fear that UK will be drawn into growing Sunni-Shia conflict.

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Keeping the peace in Belfast

For Belfast, keeping the peace means towering walls to block Catholic-Protestant conflict Washington Post

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Al-Qaeda’s leader in Iraq defies boss over Syria fight

It also highlights the Iraqi wing’s determination to link its own fight against the Shiite-led government in Baghdad with the cause of rebels trying to topple the Iran-backed Syrian regime. Washington Post

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U.S. surveillance architecture

U.S. surveillance architecture includes collection of revealing Internet, phone metadata Washington Post

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