Kategori: Kort

Yale, NYU sacrifice academic freedom

Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng claims he is being booted from his apartment and his fellowship at New York University this month because of NYU’s kowtowing to the Chinese government. Washington Post

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Den norske modellen

Nesten alle nye jobber til innvandrere. Demografisk årsak, men lavere andel sysselsatte blant nordmenn. Aftenposten

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Fullt kaos på palestinsk side – PM går av etter to uker

Den nyutnevnte palestinske statsministeren sier takk for seg etter to uker. Det skal ikke bli lett for utenriksminister John Kerry å dra i gang en fredsprosess når det hersker kaos på palestinsk side. Økonomien er også elendig og helt avhengig av bistand utenfra.   Palestinian Premier Rami Hamdallah submitted his resignation to Palestinian President Mahmoud […]

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Global protest grows as citizens lose faith in politics and the state

The myriad protests from Istanbul to São Paulo have one thing in common – growing dissent among the young, educated and better-off protesting against the very system that once enriched them. The Observer

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Egypt’s army to step in if anti-Morsi rallies become violent

Army says it will intervene because demonstrations against President Morsi are ‘an attack on the will of the people’ The Guardian

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Is Qatar fuelling the crisis in north Mali?

Oil-rich gulf state Qatar has a vested interest in the outcome of the north Mali crisis,[..], amid suspicion that Doha may be siding with the rebels to extend its regional influence. France 24

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– Kom til Norge og slipp å jobbe resten av livet

Navaz Virani i NA24: Han opplyser at i flere land i Afrika i dag er det plakater hvor det står at du kan reise til paradis for x-antall kroner, og paradiset det siktes til er Norge. – Vi lærte om isbjørner før jeg kom til Norge, men nå lærer de, at dersom de slipper inn, […]

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Five myths about the National Security Agency

When the National Security Agency was created through a top-secret memorandum signed by President Harry Truman in 1952, the agency was so secret that only a few members of Congress knew about it.  [..]Let’s pull back the shroud a bit to demystify this agency. The Washington Post  

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Syria Rebels Get Libyan Weapons

Those weapons, which slipped from state custody as Colonel Qaddafi’s people rose against him in 2011, are sent on ships or Qatar Emiri Air Force flights to a network of intelligence agencies and Syrian opposition leaders in Turkey. New York Times

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Oppskriftsmessig misbruk

Østeuropeere siktet for systematisk trygdesvindel ved hjelp av murerfirma. NRK

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