Kategori: Gjesteskribent

It’s Official: Palestinians Join Iran-led Anti-Peace Camp

The anti-UAE campaign, spearheaded by the Palestinian Authority (PA) and its president, Mahmoud Abbas, is being waged under the banner «Normalization [with Israel] is Treason.»

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Israel-UAE Deal is a Win-Win for Peace

The rest of the Arab world should follow the United Arab Emirates. Maybe then the Palestinian leadership will negotiate a full peace with the nation state of the Jewish people.

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The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria

The mass slaughter of Christians in Nigeria, which some international observers have classified as genocide, is reaching unprecedented levels.

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Partilederne i Arendal helt tause om innvandringen

Ikke ett ord ble ytret om det brennbare temaet innvandring. Heller ikke ble ett eneste ord sagt om den norske og vestlige samfunnsutopien som politikere og forskere har kalt integrering. Ikke ett eneste ord. 

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Nedstengning ingen garanti for færre koronadødsfall

Hvilken garanti har man for at nedstengningen av samfunnet er den eneste farbare vei i kampen mot korona-pandemien? Vi har kanskje litt å lære av andre land før vi stenger ned Norge på nytt.

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At Least 100,000 Victims of Modern Slavery Just in UK

Many thousands of children, women and men of all nationalities and backgrounds are tricked, taken and coerced into sexual slavery, crime, hard labour and domestic servitude.

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Joe Biden Courts Islam, not Muslims

When politicians set out to out to garner Muslim votes, they all too often end up affirming Islam.
Biden did just that in a recent speech to a Million Muslim Votes gathering.

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Tragedien i Mellomkirkelig Råd

At nettopp Kirken aktivt bidrar til å villede sine medlemmer i et spørsmål om Israels suverenitet, bør bekymre mange.  Vi kan dessverre igjen slå fast at Mellomkirkelig Råd, i likhet med FN og EU, omtaler og behandler den jødiske staten Israel på en nedverdigende måte som de aldri anvender på noen annen stat.

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Palestinians: Jews, Christians Are Our Enemy

Palestinian extremists are unmoved by the crisis at home, by the dead in Lebanon; what move them, is Jews praying in a synagogue i UAE or at the Temple Mount.

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The Mullahs and Hezbollah, Lords of Drug Smuggling

When governments or organizations that operate under the legitimacy of a state engage in smuggling drugs, the negative consequences can be devastating for other nations. The Iranian regime and its proxy Hezbollah appear to be increasingtheir efforts to smuggle illicit drugs to other countries, particularly in the West.

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