Kategori: Gjesteskribent

Kidnapped, Raped, and Forced into Islam: The Plight of Christian Girls in Pakistan

Christian girls are being abducted, sexually abused, and forced into Islam with increasing frequency in Pakistan. Moreover, everyone seem bent on facilitating this human rights tragedy.

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Borgerlig pragmatisme blir nødvendig

Hva er det trolig at Senterpartiet kunne oppnå om de igjen tok steget over på borgerlig side og innledet det samarbeid-til-høyre som var så selvsagt på Per Bortens tid?

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Thanks to Trump, China’s Huawei Is Dying

By cutting off the supply of semiconductors, the Trump administration is severely undermining the viability of Huawei Technologies.

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Heddal stavkirke

Heddal stavkirke er den største stavkirken. I motsetning til landets andre stavkirker har denne stått tilnærmet uendret siden den ble oppført, og har derfor beholdt sin opprinnelige form. Kirken ble bygget i første halvdel av 1200-tallet.

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Death to Free Speech in the Netherlands – Again

A Dutch court recently upheld the conviction of politician Geert Wilders for supposedly insulting Moroccans in comments he made at an election rally in 2014.

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Fighting in the Caucasus: Erdogan’s Ottoman Ambitions

The emergence of Turkey as a key player in Nagorno-Karabakh needs to be seen in the context of Erdogan’s ambition of recreating the Ottoman Empire.

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Norge er på kant med folkeretten

Norge, Tyskland og Sveits har i sommer bidratt med økonomisk støtte til de gruppene av demonstranter som med til dels betalte voldelige opptøyer har beleiret statsministerboligen i Jerusalem.

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«Assimilation» China Style

In reality, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Xi Jinpings policy in Xinjiang of «assimilation» resembles more the forced unity of cultural genocide.

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Black Appraisals of Black Lives Matter – Part III

This multi-part series focuses on the perspectives of blacks who appraise BLM and its agenda. BLM does not speak for all African Americans.

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CIA Director Gina Haspel and the British Role in the Anti-Trump Plot

No one examining the coup against President Trump is seriously interested in the precise technical collection techniques of GCHQ — they just want to know if the Brits were involved in an attempt to subvert a presidential campaign and then overturn the results of an election.

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