Kategori: Gjesteskribent

«A Darker Side»: The Persecution of Christians, September 2020

While not all, or even most, Muslims are involved, persecution of Christians by extremists is growing. The report posits that such persecution is not random but rather systematic.

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France: Death to Free Speech

A history teacher who had shown his students cartoons of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad was beheaded in a Paris suburb. The murderer, was shot and killed while shouting «Allahu Akbar».

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U.S. Only Country to Hold Iran’s Mullahs Accountable

The only Western government to hold Iran accountable for its human rights violations, destabilizing behavior and aggressive policies in the Middle East is the USA.

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Norsk pressestøtte – tid for justering og revisjon

Den norske systemet for pressestøtte er forlengst blitt ei tvilsam ordning. Systemet har utvikla seg autoritært. Det har no ei massiv raudgrøn PK-slagside som er det motsette av differensiering.

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Erdogan Declares War on Arabs

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is continuing to insult and threaten Arabs, specifically those living in the Gulf.

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Hvem er Norge i krig med?

Norge har ingenting å bidra med for å løse konflikter i Midtøsten. Alle de milliardene som er ofret på forsøkene på å få i stand en fredsavtale mellom PLO og Israel har vært bortkastet.

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The End of Appeasement in Britain?

For many decades, British society has been subjected to continuous assault on our history, our way of life and our national institutions by the hard left – the policy Churchill warned against.

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Turkey: Erdogan Fueling Hostility Against the West

«Turkey is no longer a partner in this region,» the Associated Press quoted Macron as telling reporters. He added: «We must be tough with the Turkish government.»

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Saudi Arabia: We, Too, Are Fed Up with the Palestinians

Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz adds to Saudi Arabia`s growing list of Arabs who regard the Palestinians as «ungrateful».

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Jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden

Ærlige offentlige ytringer om Sveriges tilstand er skremmende sjeldne, men likevel finnes det modige mennesker som tør å se fakta i øynene og våger å formidle sine tanker om det offentlig. De er hverdagshelter som fortjener mer oppmerksomhet.

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