Den israelske eks-offiseren Gal Luft, som i 2019 varslet om at Hunter Biden mottok 100.000 dollar i måneden fra Kina, har gått under jorden for å unngå utlevering til USA, der han er siktet for det han selv sier er politisk motiverte anklager med sikte på å beskytte Biden-familien.
Luft var blitt arrestert på Kypros på forespørsel fra amerikanske myndigheter, som begjærer ham utlevert, men benyttet sjansen til å rømme til et ukjent sted mens han var ute på kausjon, skriver New York Post.
Den israelske varsleren forsvant for noen uker siden, men har altså nå kontaktet avisens reporter Miranda Devine, som har gransket Biden-familiens affærer i en årrekke, og fortalt at han er i god behold.
Luft har ikke høye tanker om det amerikanske rettssystemet under Biden-regimet:
“The chances of me getting a fair trial in Washington are virtually zero,” he said in a call from an undisclosed foreign country, explaining why he skipped bail.
Han anklages blant annet for våpenhandel, noe han selv fnyser av.
“I was charged for a thought crime,” he says of the gun-running allegations, which date from email correspondence five years ago. “I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item. This is where the conspiracy ended. No follow-up, no money, no brokering activity.”
Anklagene er motivert av politisk forfølgelse, hevder Luft:
He sees sinister intent in the date of the extradition order, Nov. 1, 2022, seven days before the midterm elections when the Republicans were expected to win control of the House and start investigating allegations of Biden family foreign influence peddling.
House Oversight investigators were preparing to interview him before he disappeared.
“When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [GOP Rep. James] Comer and [GOP Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing. There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish …
“I didn’t want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me, I had no choice but to blow it up.”
– Det amerikanske justisdepartementet forsøker å begrave meg for å beskytte Joe, Jim og Hunter Biden, fastslår Gal Luft.
Hunter hadde FBI-muldvarp som tipset om etterforskning av hans kinesiske venner
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