Hundrevis av ungdommer stormet gjennom sentrum av Chicago søndag og skapte frykt blant både bilister og gående. Ungdommene hoppet opp på bilene. Det lød skudd og turister måtte reddes unna.
«Large groups of teens were seen blasting music from Bluetooth speakers and roaming in front of traffic, with some attempting to gain access to the city’s Millennium Park, which is off-limits to those under 21 after certain hours, and the downtown Art Institute», skriver Fox News.
Some teens in the group began jumping up and down on cars, smashing windows and attacking people inside. One woman told Fox 32 her husband was attacked from the driver side of his vehicle and beaten after a group of teens jumped up and down on the couple’s windshield. The man was taken to a local hospital for treatment.
Politiet og SWAT-teams forsøkte å gjenopprette orden, men var maktesløse.
Police were seen escorting frightened tourists back to their cars or hotels to escape the chaos, and traffic on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue ground to a halt as police attempted to restore order.
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