BLM-aktivisten Christopher Hamner identifiserer seg som svart, og er mistenkt for to tilfeller av hatkriminalitet. Foto: Twitter
En Black Lives Matter-aktivist er arrestert i Seattle, mistenkt for to tilfeller av hatkriminalitet mot asiatiske kvinner. Dette er nok et eksempel på at «narrativet» til Donald Trump om Kina-viruset ikke kan ta skylden for all kriminalitet mot asiater.
Pamela Cole, who is Asian, told KIRO 7 News about her experience on March 16 during which she and her young children were subjected to a frightening and abusive attack by a man who later turned out to be 51-year-old BLM protester Christopher Hamner.
Hamner identifiserer seg som en svart mann, og advokaten hans hevdet at han vil bli urettferdig behandlet i fengselet på grunn av sin rase. Men dommeren avviste dette, skriver Katu2.
“The moment he made eye contact with me he stopped, opens his door and he’s screaming, ‘F— you, you Asian b—-. F— you!’ and I was in complete shock. Are you talking to me?” Cole said.
Hamner gikk ut av bilen og forsøkte å true Cole og hennes familie ut av sitt kjøretøy.
“I just felt so defenseless and so helpless. And you know as a mom, all we want to do is take care of our kids and protect them,” Cole said.
“Hamner is accused of committing a similar hate crime two days later, when he cut off two Asian women in a vehicle. The vehicle had a dashboard camera, which enabled authorities to identify Hamner,” reports the Hill, adding that Hamner again charged at the vehicle and threw objects.
Svarte er overrepresentert når det gjelder voldskriminalitet mot asiater. Kanskje Kamzy kan kjempe for at offentlig ansatte kurses i denne formen for strukturell rasisme?
Though black people comprise 13% of the pop.
They committed 27.5% of all violent crimes against Asian Americans in 2018
While whites comprise 62% of the pop. the commit 24% of crimes against Asians
But please tell me how white supremacy is the issue
— MOSTLY PEACEFUL ELIJAH (@ElijahSchaffer) March 19, 2021
Dette betyr altså at svarte amerikanere står bak over fire ganger så mye hatkriminalitet mot asiater sammenlignet med hvite, per person. Men ifølge woke-fascistene skyldes også denne formen for kriminalitet «white supremacy». Alt er den hvite mannens feil, selvsagt. Dette tankemønsteret får reelle konsekvenser.
The media’s fake narrative that “white supremacy” is to blame for the hate crime spree in now inciting violent attacks against white people.
37-year-old Michael Sangbong Rhee attacked a woman he believed was white by holding her at gunpoint and trying to rape her.
According to authorities, the attack was “in retaliation for the rise in hate crimes against Asian people.”