Under feiringen av drapet på Hizbollahs leder Hassan Nasrallah ble en gammel sang hentet frem fra glemselen på Tel Avivs nattklubber.

Yalla Nasrallah, return you to Allah

«Yalla ya Nasralla» ble skrevet for 18 år siden og er fremdeles å finne på YouTube mens ferske, oppdaterte versjoner ser ut til å bli slettet, men på Twitter/X og Instagram lijgger det utallige videoklipp.

Slik så det altså ut på en bar i Tel Aviv sist helg da unge mennesker feiret at mannen som er ansvarlig for å ha sendt rundt regnet ti tusen  rakettbårne bomber mot Israel det siste år, er død: 

– Yalla ya Nasrallah, we will f*ck you Inshallah, we will return you to Allah, with the entire Hezbollah.

Hele sangen er å finne på SoundCloud:

Sangens originale tekst er å finne på nettstedet Hebrew Songs hvor det også er vedlagt en oversettelse til engelsk:

Come on oh Nasralla

Let’s go Nasralla
You look like a hippopotamus
you have the brains of a bird
you may as well stay in your hole
because soon you will die

You are simply a complete fool
with a severe megalomania
you are the devil, or to make a long story short
you are the scum of mankind

Even if you’ll launch rockets at us
or threaten the Galilee with
your friends from Syria and Iran
even if you’ll drop here more katyushas
know that there’s no despair here
together we will overcome the trouble

Come on oh Nasralla
we’ll knock you inshallah
we will send you back to alla
with all of the hezballa
Come on oh Nasralla
go away you garbage
it’s already been sentenced from above
that this is your end

You are pathethic, you are small
and you resemble an orangutan
you have lice on your beard
and soon you’ll fly out of here

You are a dead coackroach, you’re a skunk
you’re running out of breath
the IDF is asking for you
to burn you up in fire

Even if you’l launch… 

Come on oh Nasralla… 

So listen well you pathetic hezballonchik
and be ready because soon all the IDF
with the apachees, the F16’s, the battleships,
the missiles and the tanks, the commando,
the paratroopers, Golani, Giv’ati,
each and every one of them is coming to visit you!
so take a few deep breaths
and enjoy them…
because they are your last ones
you dog

Come on oh Nasralla… 

LYRICS Nadav Frishman
MUSIC Asaf Frishman
SINGER Frishman Vehachalutzim


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