Hatpredikanten og islamisten Anjem Choudary er dømt til livstid i fengsel etter at han ble kjent skyldig i å organisere en forbudt terrororganisasjon i Storbritannia.

Den 59 år gamle islamisten har hatt en sentral rolle i Al-Muhajiroun etter at grunnleggeren Omar Bakri Muhammed ble fengslet i Libanon i 2014.

Han har tidligere vært dømt for å oppfordre til å støtte IS, i perioden hvor fremmedkrigere reiste til Irak og Syria for å delta i terrororganisasjonen.

GB News skriver følgende om dommen:

Sentencing Choudary today, Judge Mr Justice Wall said «having found you to be dangerous, I have concluded that I must pass on you a sentence of life imprisonment» adding that he would have a minimum term of 26 years, 358 days.

In his sentencing remarks, Wall said: «It is clear that despite your protestations, you encouraged people to join Isis.

«It is impossible to say which particular terror acts you knew of or encouraged before they were committed, but I can conclude that you ran an organisation that encouraged acts such as this.

«You sought to grooming young people in your way of thinking.

«You were prepared to encourage young men into radical activity.»


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