Tucker Carlson Discussing Donald Trump On @rustyrockets‘s Podcast
«I think looking back on this ten years from now, assuming we’re still around, I think we’re going to see Trump’s emergence as the most significant thing that happened in American politics in 100 years, because he… pic.twitter.com/5oSvj4pOCF
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) July 7, 2023
Tucker ble intervjuet av Russel Brand i helgen. Han ga to interessante observasjoner. Tucker sa han hadde intervjuet Steve Sund, som var sjef for Capitol-politiet før og under 6. januar. Sund visste at Trump hadde tilbudt Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, 10.000 mann fra Nasjonalgarden 6. januar, men at hun avslo. To ganger.
Det var nesten ikke politi på plass da en av USAs største demonstrasjoner fant sted i den andre enden av the Mall. Hvis Trump hadde hatt baktanker, hadde han neppe tilbudt soldater. Soldatene ble derimot tilkalt i ettertid – 27.000 i tallet, og det ble reist et flere meter høyt gjerde rundt Capitol Hill. Washington så ut som den var beleiret.
Sund hadde en interessant opplysning. Han sa det «krydde av føderale agenter» blant folkemengden som gikk inn i Kongressen.
Men intervjuet ble aldri sendt, og Tucker er ute av Fox.
Tucker sier at krigen i Ukraina er den røde linjen. Krysser du den, blir det bråk. Tucker krysset den mange ganger, og Trump. Han er den eneste i Washington som gjør det, og for dét hater de ham dypt og inderlig.
Tucker Carlson Discussing Donald Trump On
‘s Podcast «I think looking back on this ten years from now, assuming we’re still around, I think we’re going to see Trump’s emergence as the most significant thing that happened in American politics in 100 years, because he reoriented the Republican Party against the wishes of Republican leaders.» «I’m struck by his foreign policy views. You know Trump is the only person with stature in the Republican Party really who is saying wait a second why are we sending an endless war in Ukraine. Leaving aside whether Trump is going to get the nomination or get elected President or would be a good President, I can’t even asses that, all I can at this point is I’m so grateful he has that position. He’s right and everyone in Washington is wrong, everyone. And Trump is right on that question and it’s a big question. That war is reshaping the world. It’s reshaping the economy of the world. It’s reshaping populations.» «Europe will never be the same because of this war and it really matters, and Trump alone among popular figures in both parties understands that and I’m grateful for that.» «Whether he gets the nomination or gets elected, words really matter. Saying something true out loud matters, and he is saying true things about Ukraine and God bless him. That’s how I feel.»