Bideneconomics er en katastrofe for vanlige lønnsmottakere. Hvis Biden skulle bli gjenvalgt vil de tape 60.000 dollar, mens de ville vunnet 21.000 dollar med to perioder med Trump. Det sier økonomiprofessor Casey Mulligan, tidligere leder av det økonomiske rådet i Det hvite hus.

When evaluating what added costs Americans would have faced under a second consecutive Trump administration, the average U.S. household was estimated to save $21,000 over eight years.

If Biden’s regulatory costs continue to rise at their current rate, according to the report, American households can expect to lose $60,000 if the president wins re-election.

Men i tillegg til dette tapet i dollar kommer tapet i menneskelig kapital.

«Workers are not able to be as productive as they used to be. We see it at the school level, the kids aren’t learning. Wages aren’t keeping up with inflation. That’s the other side of the productivity coin,» Mulligan explained. «And then a lot of people are dying, and not from COVID, from more than normal deaths, from traffic accidents, diabetes, heart attack. I could go on and on.»

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