Nye opplysninger viser at forskere tilknyttet Folkets frigjøringshær søkte om patent på covid-19-vaksiner i februar 2020, hvilket tilsier at arbeidet begynte senest november 2019, to måneder før myndighetene gikk ut med covid-utbruddet. Det er senator Marco Rubio som avslører dette.
Chinese scientists affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army filed a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine in February 2020, with their research indicating they began working on a vaccine at least by November 2019, nearly two months before Beijing disclosed the COVID outbreak, according to a report on the virus compiled by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and his staff.
Opplysningene samsvarer med en rapport som Republikanerne i etterretningskomiteen i Representantenes hus presenterte på slutten av 2022. En kinesisk dissident, Wei Jingsheng, hørte første gang om viruset i oktober 2019.
A report late last year from House Intelligence Committee Republicans alleged that the COVID-19 virus may have been linked to a Chinese weapons program.
Rubio’s report supports this idea, stating that Chinese dissident Wei Jingsheng told congressional staffers that he had first heard about the virus in October 2019 when Chinese Communist Party sources said it had been accidentally released during biological weapons research in Wuhan. The report also states that China has a history of being interested in developing bioweapons.
En Harvard-studie viser at ledelsen for Wuhan Institute of Virology på slutten av 2018 var alvorlig bekymret for sikkerheten ved instituttet.
Chen Xinwen, who directed the WIV until late 2018, said at a September 2018 goals and challenges meeting that there were unspecified «shortcomings and inadequacies in the current work» at the lab, according to meeting notes published in the report.
In October 2018, Wuhan Laboratory official Yuan Zhiming and four other researchers with the Chinese Academy of Sciences published an article calling for greater oversight, stating that «it is urgent to establish and implement standardized management measures for biosafety laboratories.»
Amerikanske diplomater sendte en melding til Washington etter et besøk i Wuhan der de uttrykte alvorlig bekymring for sikkerheten ved instituttet. Det skulle ha topp sikkerhet til å behandle farlige patogener, men standarden var ikke på høyden.