Estlands statsminister Kaja Kallas sa under sikkerhetskonferansen i München at verdenssamfunnet bør stille russiske ledere for en type Nürnberg-domstol.

Kallas så for seg en type dyptgripende rensing av russisk samvittighet og historieforståelse, à la oppgjøret med Nazi-Tyskland. Russland var en av seierherrene etter 2. verdenskrig. Det spørs om det faller i god jord at de nå havner i samme selskap som fienden de beseiret.

Calling for action that she compared to the 1945-47 Nuremberg and Tokyo War Crimes Tribunals, Prime Minister Kallas said after the Second World War and Cold War, citizens of former Axis powers and former Soviet Bloc nations had a chance to learn about the crimes of their former leaders, but this had never happened in Russia itself. Talking about the education of Russian citizens and “re-written” history books, Kallas said education in that country was still from “Soviet” textbooks and this would have to change in a post-war world.

Kallas ville at russiske ledere skulle stilles til ansvar. Det var om å gjøre å bryte den onde sirkelen mellom å være paria-stat og samtidig forfølge imperialistiske drømmer.

She said: “accountability is of the utmost importance for the crimes of aggression, and also to have the understanding within Russian society, and also contemplation. Without that, I don’t think [long-term peace] is possible.” To prevent future Russian wars, Kallas said, “we have to cut the cycle” by ending Russian imperialistic dreams, and that “I don’t think there can be any relations as usual with a pariah state that hasn’t really given up the imperialistic goals”.

Hvis et slikt historisk oppgjør skulle gjennomføres, måtte det forutsette et militært nederlag for Russland. En overgivelse à la Nazi-Tyskland. Det er tvilsomt om russerne lar seg innpasse i et slikt skjema.

While Kallas did not explicitly call for a Western military occupation of Russia, the examples given — Nuremberg, Tokyo, and the re-building of Germany and Japan as modern democracies after being totalitarian, belligerent states — did require total military victory and long-term occupation, a link others quickly made after her remarks were broadcast.

Kallas er ikke den eneste som fantaserer om å beseire Russland. Sekretær for det ukrainske forsvarsrådet, Oleksiy Danilov, så for seg ukrainske stridsvogner på Den røde plass.

The remarkable comments from Danilov were reported in the British high-circulation tabloid The Sun, which claimed an interview with the Ukranian politician and relayed him as saying: “Our tanks will be on Red Square and that will be justice.

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