I byen Renfrew i Ontaria, Canada, ble en 16 år gammel ungdomsskoleelev utvist fra skolen, fordi han protesterte mot at transpersoner kunne velge hvilke garderober de kunne frekventere. Da han allikevel møtte opp på skolen ble han pågrepet av politiet.
Han bedrev altså trespassing på sin egen skole, som ikke kan akseptere folk som tror på tokjønnsmodellen. Den unge gutten var iført en lue som ligner på MAGA-caps, men som hadde teksten Save Canada.
16 year old Josh Alexander, has been suspended from St Joseph Catholic High School in Ontario Canada for protesting against transgender peoples use of bathrooms and for saying God created only two genders.
The leadership in the school told him his continued attendance would be… https://t.co/4ioM5nABhX pic.twitter.com/xl8YLUWYGu— CitizenLenz (@CitizenLenz) February 20, 2023
Den unge gutten er en uttalt kristen person (devout Christian), og skal ha uttalt at «Gud skapte bare to kjønn». Han var elev ved St Joseph Catholic High School. City News rapporterer:
In November he organized and led a protest with the intent of stopping transgender people from using the washroom of their choice, and he was originally issued suspensions up until he was recently issued a ‘non-disciplinary exclusion’ notice by the RCCDSB.
The terms of his exclusion included that he not be allowed on St. Joseph’s school property for the remainder of the school year and he was given the option of online learning to complete his remaining courses.The letter informed him he would be charged with trespassing if he is found on school property without proper authorization.
Opp mot en måneds utvisning fra skolen, fordi han ikke aksepterer at det finnes utallige kjønn. Men det ble verre.
Etter jul skulle han egentlig returnere til skolen 9. januar. Men dagen før fikk han en e-post, hvor han fikk vite at han var eksludert fra skolen.
“On the night of January 8, the night before I was going back to school, I received another email informing me I was excluded from the school. I was told the principal (Derek Lennox) felt my presence would be detrimental to the physical and mental well-being of the “peoples.”
Da kontaktet Alexander advokat. Advokaten informerte skolen om at Alexander ville delta i undervisningen, fordi utestengelsen var ulovlig og diskriminerende. Men da den unge gutten møtte opp ble han bedt om å forlate skolen. Han ba skolen kontakte hans advokat.
Dette skjer etter at Alexander har opplevd to år med hjemmeundervisning under nedstengningene i forbindelse med pandemien. Framtiden virker usikker for eleven.
– I had fully expected to be able to return to school by Feb. 1, but with the way the school board is playing games, I don’t know what the next step will be.
6. februar ble Alexander pågrepet av politiet da han forsøkte å bli undervist.
Advokaten James Kitchen, som er tilknyttet Liberty Coalition Canada, sier til Fox News Digital at religiøs frihet er gått av med døden i Canada.
Kitchen believes both freedom of religion and freedom of expression are in steep decline in Canada but noted that religious liberty is evaporating more quickly.
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