Den norske diplomaten Tor Wennesland, som er spesialutsending til Midtøsten, blander seg inn i en sikkerhetsoperasjon på Vestbredden der 22 år gamle Ammar Mifleh ble skutt og drept. Wennesland sier han er sjokkert, mens israelsk UD sier Wennesland misforstår situasjonen, som var et terrorangrep. Den norske diplomaten forvrenger virkeligheten, sier Israel.

Wennesland tar parti for den drepte og ser helt bort fra at han hadde angrepet et israelsk par inne i en låst bil.

On Friday afternoon, Ammar Mifleh tried to enter a vehicle of an Israeli couple in the town of Huwara, near Nablus, Border Police said. While trying to break through the locked door, one of the occupants — an off-duty IDF officer — shot and wounded Mifleh with his handgun.

Mifleh then ran at a nearby Border Police officer and stabbed him in the face, lightly injuring him.

En annen soldat i tjeneste forsøkte å pågripe Mifleh. To av hans kamerater forsøkte å befri ham. Soldaten hadde et nakketak, men Mifleh klarte å rive seg løs og gikk løs på soldaten, som tok frem sitt håndvåpen og skjøt Mifleh.

Palestinerne sier at Mifleh ble skutt med kaldt blod. Det stemmer ikke. Mifleh gikk til angrep.




“Horrified by today’s killing of a Palestinian man, Ammar Mifleh, during a scuffle with an Israeli soldier near Huwara in the o[ccupied] West Bank,” UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland said on Twitter.

“My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. Such incidents must be fully & promptly investigated, & those responsible held accountable,” he added.

Det har i det siste vært en rekke episoder på Vestbredden og i Jerusalem. Palestinerne har gjenopptatt angrep på israelerne. Da kommer arrestasjoner som svar, og det hele eskalerer.

Utenriksdepartementets talsmann kritiserer Wennesland og sier han forvrenger situasjonen.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon slammed Wennesland’s statement, calling it a “total distortion of reality.”

“This incident is a terror attack, in which an Israeli policeman was stabbed in his face and the life of another police officer was threatened and consequently he shot his assailant,” Nahshon said on Twitter.

“This is NOT a ‘scuffle’-this is a terror attack!” he added.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid backed the officer who was filmed shooting the stabber dead.

Lapid støttet offiseren som skjøt. Israelske soldater på Vestbredden må ha lov til å forsvare seg.

“Any attempt to distort reality and tell false stories to the world is simply a disgrace,” Lapid said on Twitter. “Our security forces will continue to act determinedly against terror wherever it raises its head.”

Også forsvarsminister Benny Gantz fordømmer Wennesland og forsvarer soldaten som skjøt.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz also said he “strongly condemned” Wennesland’s remarks.

“I want to praise the police officer who neutralized a terrorist yesterday. I strongly condemn the attempts to present the event in a false and manipulative manner, and the statement of the UN envoy to the Middle East against the [officer], who acted with determination and professionalism,” Gantz said on Twitter.

Hendelsen fant sted fredag, og reaksjonene kom lørdag.



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