Den britiske, den canadiske og den amerikanske finansministeren forlot G20-møtet i Washington protest da den russiske finansministeren Anton Siluanov fikk ordet via zoom. Men India og Kina ble sittende.

USA vil kaste Russland ut av G20. Det kan bli vanskelig å få til.

«Alongside our allies the U.S. and Canada, representatives from the UK left the G20 meeting as Russian delegates spoke,» the spokesperson said.

Matvarer er unntatt fra sanksjonsregimet.

In addition, Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control this week is expected to issue clarifying language to make clear that trade in agricultural products is not barred under existing sanctions, in response to the food security crisis that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused.

Roughly 155 million people in 55 countries faced acute hunger in 2020, an increase of 20 million people from the year before, according to the World Food Program.

USA synes fremdeles å tro at Kina og India kan overtales til å innføre sanksjonene mot Russland. Så langt tyder intet på det.

Visefinansminister Willey Adeyemo hadde håp om at Kina ville følge etter.

During a discussion Monday at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Adeyemo reiterated the U.S. position that China has a chance to pressure Russia to end its invasion of Ukraine and would thereby avoid subjecting itself to secondary sanctions.

“China has in the past, and we expect them to continue to follow, the sanctions regimes that have been introduced by us and the coalition” of sanctioning countries, Adeyemo said.

“China’s business with the rest of the world is greater than its business with Russia.”

India har distansert seg fra sanksjonene.

Also of concern is India, which has taken a neutral stance on the Russia-Ukraine war and recently made a major purchase of Russian oil, a source of tension as the U.S.. tries to cut off Moscow’s energy income.

Det er både møter i G20 og Pengefondet denne uken.


UK, U.S. and Canada left G20 meeting when Russia spoke, UK says

Yellen to see Ukraine PM, avoid Russians at global meetings

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