Når CIA-sjef William Burns offentlig påpeker at Kina er Putins tause partner i krigen i Ukraina, blir det lagt merke til. CIA-sjefen sier ikke noe slikt uten å ha tenkt over konsekvensene og klarert uttalelsen.

The director of the CIA said that China is ‘a silent partner’ when it comes to Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s ‘aggression’ in Ukraine.

William Burns spoke bluntly Thursday and warned China posed the ‘greatest challenge’ and ‘most profound test’ the agency has ever had to deal with, as he marked his first year in charge of the agency with a speech at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Thursday.

Burns highlighted the ‘immediate threat posed by renewed Russian aggression against Ukraine,’ and the ‘longer term problem posed by China’s ambitious leadership,’ declaring it to be ‘the single most important geopolitical challenge’ of the 21st century.’

Burns snakker som Trump og MAGA. Dette er helt andre toner enn Biden-regimet har sendt. Vi kan være vitne til en omlegging av amerikansk utenrikspolitikk.

Ukraina blir et vannskille.

Biden har kalt Kina en konkurrent. Burns sier det er en motstander som forsøker å overgå USA på alle områder.

‘A silent partner in Putin’s aggression, Xi Jinping’s China is our greatest challenge, in many ways the most profound test the CIA has ever faced,’ Burns said as he called China a ‘formidable competitor lacking in neither ambition nor capability.’

‘It seeks to overtake us in literally every domain, from economic strength to military power, and from space to cyberspace,’ adding China is ‘intent’ on replacing the U.S. as ‘the preeminent power in the Indo-Pacific.’

‘As an intelligence service, we have never had to deal with an adversary with more reach in more domain,’ Burns said.

-Den mest alvorlige trussel USA noensinne har stått overfor. Dette er Trump-talk.

-Et fiendtlig Kina og et aggressivt og revisjonistisk Russland. CIA må begynne helt på begynnelsen, sier Burns.

‘It’s a more complicated and contested world, featuring the rise of an increasingly adversarial China and a pugnacious and revisionist Russia,’ Burns said in a transcript seen by Fox News. 

Burns said that the agency will ‘have to reimagine itself to compete successfully in this new age.’


Amerikanerne oppfattet tegn til aggresjon mot Ukraina så tidlig som november og Biden ba Burns dra til Moskva og advare Putin. Burns er tidligere ambassadør til Moskva.

Burns also revealed that how the CIA was able to find out plans for Ukraine’s invasion as early as last fall.

‘In November, President Biden asked me to travel to Russia to convey directly to Putin and several of his closest advisors the depth of our concern about his planning for war and the consequences for Russia of attempting to execute that plan.

‘While it did not yet seem that he had made an irreversible decision to invade Ukraine, Putin was defiantly leaning in that direction, apparently convinced that his window was closing for shaping Ukraine’s orientation,’ Burns said noting that he ‘seemed convinced winter offered a favorable landscape.’

Burns revealed that at the start of the invasion he did not have high hopes for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy or the Ukrainian resistance but both he and Putin had been ‘proven wrong’.

Burns sier at det ble truffet en avgjørelse om å dele etterretning både mellom allierte og offentligheten, for å ta brodden av russisk propaganda og styrke moralen.

‘As allied leaders and counterparts have emphasized directly in my travels to Europe, the credibility of U.S. intelligence helped cement the solidarity of the alliance at President Biden’s direction,’ Burns said the U.S. had also been ‘taking unprecedented steps to declassify intelligence and use it publicly to preempt false narratives and false flag operations, which Putin has used so often in the past.’

‘By being open with some of our secrets, we made it harder for Putin to obscure the truth of his unprovoked and vicious aggression. Those decisions can never be taken lightly given the importance of protecting sources and methods, but, in this case, they have made a crucial contribution to a successful whole of government strategy.’

Burns said that the change of approach was different to how the agency had operated in the past and was indicative of ‘the need for new thinking and new tactics in this new and demanding era for intelligence.’

CIA director calls China’s Xi Jinping ‘a silent partner’ to Putin’s warmongering in Ukraine: Reveals how agency has changed tactics in sharing intel on Russia with Kyiv


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