Det hvite hus rykket ut og sa at Biden ikke mente det han sa om at Putin måtte styrtes. Biden mente å si at Putin ikke måtte få styre over land utenfor Russland, korrigerte Det hvite hus. Dermed gjorde de det tydelig at Biden gikk lenger enn han hadde dekning for.

‘For god’s sake this man cannot remain in power,’ he said of Putin, describing the Russian president as having a ‘craving for absolute power and control.’

Det hvite hus korrigerte:

‘The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,’ a White House official said.

The Biden administration has taken care to not call for a regime change in Russia, knowing Putin would see it as an escalation.

Det er noe helt annet enn det presidenten sa. Biden trakk opp det store bildet og sa at Vesten kan stå overfor tiår med krig.

And he warned Putin’s aggression could bring ‘decades of war’ to Europe.

‘It’s nothing less than a direct challenge for the order established since the World War II and it threatens to return to decades of war that ravage Europe before the international rule-based order was put in place. We cannot go back to that,’ Biden said.


‘For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power’: Biden says Putin should no longer be leader of Russia in fiery speech in Poland – but the White House is forced to walk back his comments and insist he’s NOT calling for regime change

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