Det er kommet frem at Biden-regimet holdt seks møter med kineserne for å overtale dem til å påvirke Kreml til ikke å angripe Ukraina. Kineserne vendte det døve øret til, ga sensitiv informasjon til russerne og fortalte USA at det var de som økte spenningen ved å levere våpen til Ukraina. -Dere heller bensin på bålet og forventer oss å slukke det, svarte kinesisk UD.

Omfanget av møtene er blitt kjent gjennom the New York Times.

Over the past several months, senior Biden administration officials held six “urgent meetings” with Communist Chinese officials pleading with them to convince Russian  President Vladimir Putin not to invade, according to the New York Times.

Møtene foregikk helt opp til Putin erklærte at han hadde bestemt seg for å sende styrker inn. Kineserne var klar over hva som kom til å skje. Det NRKs korrespondent Kjersti Strømmen sier – at Kina ikke liker utviklingen og ble tatt på senga – stemmer ikke. Det er feilinformasjon. NRK eller NTB har ikke rapportert de sensasjonelle opplysningene i the New York Times.

Blant dem amerikanerne møtte var toppfolk, som utenriksministeren. Det var ikke snakk om at anmodningene druknet i byråkratiet. Men kineserne beskyldte amerikanerne for å ville skape splittelse mellom Beijing og Moskva.

The Americans presented the CCP officials—which included the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States—intelligence showing Russia’s troop buildup around Ukraine’s borders, U.S. officials told the Times.

Each time, the Americans were rebuffed, with the CCP officials saying they did not think an invasion was in the works, the sources said. Worse yet, U.S. intelligence allegedly caught the Chinese going behind the Biden regime’s back after a diplomatic meeting in December, telling Moscow that the United States was “trying to sow discord.” According to the U.S. sources, China assured the Kremlin it would not “try to impede their plans and actions.”

Utenriksminister Tony Blinken snakket med sin kinesiske motpart så sent som mandag, da begge parter forsto at en invasjon var nær forestående.

According to the Times, Secretary of State Antony Blinken himself spoke with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in late January and again on Monday, “the same day Putin ordered the new troops into Russia-backed enclaves of Ukraine.”

“The secretary underscored the need to preserve Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” said a State Department summary of the call.

Denne bønnen til kineserne kan minne om sjokket verden fikk da Stalin inngikk ikke-angrepsavtalen med Hitler i august 1939. Det var denne som gjorde det mulig for Hitler å angripe Polen. At de to diktatorene gikk sammen rystet verden. Kommunister og nazister mot den frie verden.

Man kan ikke undervurdere Kinas nikk til Putin. De visste hva som kom.

After Putin ordered troops into eastern Ukraine on Wednesday, Hua Chunying, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said at a news conference in Beijing that the U.S. was “the culprit of current tensions surrounding Ukraine.”

“On the Ukraine issue, lately the U.S. has been sending weapons to Ukraine, heightening tensions, creating panic and even hyping up the possibility of warfare,” she said. “If someone keeps pouring oil on the flame while accusing others of not doing their best to put out the fire, such kind of behavior is clearly irresponsible and immoral.”

Kina ser NATOs ekspansjon som en trussel på samme måte som Putin.

Chunying added: “When the U.S. drove five waves of NATO expansion eastward all the way to Russia’s doorstep and deployed advanced offensive strategic weapons in breach of its assurances to Russia, did it ever think about the consequences of pushing a big country to the wall?” She has refused to call Russia’s assault an “invasion” when pressed by foreign journalists.

Trump skal ha advart Putin om at hvis han gikk inn i Ukraina kom han til å bombe Moskva.

“If you move against Ukraine while I’m president,” Trump  allegedly told the Russian leader, “I will hit Moscow.”

Putin reportedly scoffed, “No way,” leading Trump to say, “All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up.”

Folk som var til stede da Xi Jinping besøkte Mar a-Lago kan bekrefte at Trump spurte den kinesiske lederen om hvordan han likte sjokoladekaken, samtidig som han sa at han nettopp hadde avfyrt 59 kryssermissiler mot Syria.

A similar story involves Chinese President Xi Jinping. It was during his visit to Mar-a-Lago in 2017 when Trump famously interrupted their chocolate cake dessert to declare he had just ordered the US military to fire 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air base after the Syrian government used chemical weapons against rebels and civilians.

During that same visit, Trump reportedly told Xi that any military move against Taiwan would be met with an attack on Beijing. Xi, like Putin, is said to have been stunned, though it is possible neither man believed Trump was serious. While it is also possible that both accounts are exaggerated, it is a fact that neither man made the moves Trump is said to have warned against.


Report: Biden Officials Repeatedly Pleaded With CCP Counterparts to Talk Sense

Kjøp Alf R. Jacobsens politiske bombe «Stalins svøpe: KGB, AP og kommunismens medløpere» her!


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