Hillary Clinton skal holde en viktig tale på New York Citys Demokratiske konvent neste uke. Det ryktes at hun kan gjøre et nytt fremstøt mot maktens tinde. Det er Bidens upopularitet og mentale nedsmelting som aktualiserer ryktene om at noe er i gjære. Uten drastiske grep styrer Demokratene mot et katastrofevalg i november.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is slated to speak at the New York State Democratic Convention next week, according to sources who spoke to CNBC.

«She’s beloved by the mainstream members of the Democratic Party and her popularity is likely higher than that of President Biden,» a person familiar with the arrangement told the outlet. «It’s good for her because it keeps her relevant, and her appearance is likely meant to galvanize the party and the audience.»

Hillary har sagt at hun ikke kommer til å stille til valg igjen. Men nylig skrev to av hennes nærmeste medarbeidere en kronikk i Wall Street Journal der de lanserte Hillary som den plausible kandidat for Demokratene.

Clinton has said she will not run for political office again, though two of her former allies recently published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal describing «a perfect storm in the Democratic Party» that could prepare the way for Clinton to take another stab at the presidency.


Hillary Clinton to speak at New York Democratic convention: report



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