Freedom Convoy-demonstrantene i Ottawa har befestet seg i sentrum av den canadiske hovedstaden, og politiet sier de ikke har ressursene til å fjerne dem.
Politiske løsninger er heller ikke i sikte idet aksjonen har vart i mer enn en uke, melder Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).
Lastebilsjåførene som i protest mot vaksinekrav og koronarestriksjoner har blokkert trafikken ved Parliament Hill med en rekke tunge kjøretøyer, har organisert distribusjon av mat og drivstoff på stedet, og kampmoralen er høy.
Politiet forsøker å motarbeide demonstrantene med informasjon:
IMPORTANT: Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway. #ottawa #ottnews
— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) February 6, 2022
Investigative evidence-gathering teams are collecting financial, digital, vehicle registration, driver identification, insurance status, and other related evidence that will be used in criminal prosecutions. /12
— Ottawa Police (@OttawaPolice) February 4, 2022
Politikere og politi omtaler protesten både som okkupasjon og opprør:
Politicians have increasingly denounced the protest, with Ontario Premier Doug Ford and others calling it an «occupation» and the head of the Ottawa Police Services Board referring to it as an «insurrection.»
Til tross for at politiet i Ottawa har fått forsterkninger, er de ikke i stand til å stanse protesten:
Ottawa police, already bolstered by officers from other forces, say they do not have the resources to address the situation or remove the protesters.
«We do not have sufficient resources to adequately and effectively address this situation while adequately and effectively providing policing in this city,» Ottawa police Chief Peter Sloly told an emergency meeting of the police services board on Saturday.
Aksjonen i Ottawa har resultert i anmeldelser, men det har knapt vært meldinger om arrestasjoner. Derimot er fire personer siktet for hatforbrytelser:
More than 650 calls have been made to police since the start of the protest, resulting in 97 criminal investigations, police said Sunday. The force said earlier in the week it had opened 11 investigations related to hate crimes and four people have been charged.
Aksjonistene antyder at de er villige til å dempe støynivået om natten:
Some protest organizers have indicated that they are willing to make some concessions on the noise level. In a discussion over an injunction relating to horn use on Saturday, Keith Wilson, a lawyer representing organizers, said the convoy might be willing to stop horn use overnight from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Fra politisk hold kommer det krav om løsninger, men ingen vet hva de skulle bestå i:
Interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen called this week for the government to find a solution to the issue. On Saturday, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh also pushed the government to seek a solution, but he did not provide a clear plan.
Etter at GoFundMe blokkerte finansieringen av Freedom Convoy, har det søndag morgen blitt samlet inn mer enn 2,5 millioner dollar til aksjonen via GiveSendGo, opplyser CBC.