FBI-sjef Christopher Wray sier han ble sjokkert da han ved tiltredelsen ble konfrontert med hvor enorm Kinas spionasje og hackingoperasjoner mot USA er. FBI åpner en ny sak hver 12 time og det er nå over 2.000 av dem. Kinas hackere har stjålet mer enn alle andre land til sammen, sa Wray. Det er som DDR kombinert med Silicon Valley.

Wray uttalte seg til NBC tirsdag etter at boken til Peter Schweizr har skapt overskrifter: Washington-eliten har solgt sine tjenester til Kina.

Wray said, “This one blew me away. And I’m not the kind of guy that uses words like ‘blown away’ easily. We are opening a new China-related counterintelligence investigation about every 12 hours. We probably have over 2,000 of those investigations.”

He continued, “There is no country that presents a broader, more severe threat to our innovation, our ideas and our economic security than China does. I’m referring not to the Chinese people, not to people of Chinese descent or heritage. What we’re talking about here is the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.”

He added, “The scale of their hacking program and the amount of personal and corporate data their hackers have stolen is greater than every other country combined. China may be the first country to combine that kind of authoritarian ambition with cutting-edge technical capability. It’s like the surveillance nightmare of East Germany combined with the tech of Silicon Valley.”

Peter Schweizers bok er nummer en på alle rankinger: New York Times sin, Amazons og USA Todays:

This is the third consecutive New York Times #1 bestseller for Schweizer, following his 2020 book Profiles in Corruption and 2019’s Secret Empires. Red-Handed has also premiered at number one on USA Today’s bestseller list and has topped the charts at Amazon.

FBI Director Wray: Scale of Chinese Spying in the U.S. ‘Blew Me Away’ 


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