Litauen tillot Taiwan å åpne ambassade i Vilnius. Det vil ikke Kina ha noe av og boikotter varer produsert i Litauen og andre lands varer som har litauiske komponenter. Men EU føler seg forpliktet til å lage en sak av dette i Verdens handelsorganisasjon, siden det er brudd på reglene.

Following the bold move from Lithuania to open up a defacto Taiwanese embassy in Vilnius last summer, the Chinese Communist Party has attempted to use its considerable economic weight to punish the small Eastern European nation. China has not only blockaded all products made in Lithuania from its market but has also prevented imports from other EU member states if any components were produced in the Baltic state.

En liten sak blir dermed betydningsfull: Kan Kina ustraffet bryte reglene det er forpliktet på og straffe et annet land økonomisk og ikke bare dette landet, men også tredjeland?

Torsdag reiste sak mot Kina i WTO torsdag og innrømmer at det var en tung beslutning. EU gjør dette fordi Kina bryter reglene for det felles marked.

Following the bold move from Lithuania to open up a defacto Taiwanese embassy in Vilnius last summer, the Chinese Communist Party has attempted to use its considerable economic weight to punish the small Eastern European nation. China has not only blockaded all products made in Lithuania from its market but has also prevented imports from other EU member states if any components were produced in the Baltic state.

Litauen sier de visste det kom til å bli bråk, men er skuffet over at tyske selskaper legger press på dem.

German companies have reportedly begun pressuring Lithuania to back down from its support of democratic Taiwan, with the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce calling on the Baltic state to come to a “constructive solution” with the CCP.

It is believed that German car companies have been particularly impacted by the blockade against Lithuanian goods, which is said to have cost the industry hundreds of millions of euros in profits. High-profile car manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW are deeply integrated with the Chinese market, with both facing accusations of profiting off of slave labour in the concentration camp region of Xinjiang.

Når EU reiser sak har Kina seksti dager på seg til å svare. Kinesiske talsmenn forstår ikke hvorfor EU skal blande seg inn i et forhold som bare berører Kina og Litauen.




EU Launches World Trade Organization Case Against Communist China over Lithuania Blockade

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