Det er ikke bare Demokratene som er radikalisert og befinner seg så langt ute at de har vanskelig for å komme seg på land. Også BLM er ekstreme, særlig i forhold til politiet. I Washington ble en politimann nylig skutt, og BLM var ute og advarte mot å utrope ham til en helt som gjorde sin plikt. Ifølge BLM er Washington en «okkupert politistat».

A description of the #StopMPD campaign on the group’s website claims that D.C. is an «occupied police state» that was «never meant to protect» Black people.

«In the fight for Black lives, one of the many rebuffs we receive when demanding an end to police violence and terror is that ‘not all cops are bad cops,’» the page reads. «This assertion is almost always coupled with examples of law enforcement officials who step outside of their assigned duties to ‘help’ Black people and champions the belief that we can change systems by changing the individuals who work within this system, but not the system.

BLM virker som en gjenoppliving av Black Panthers på 1960-tallet. De har samme aggressivt konfronterende retorikk. Men hvordan er det med støtte blant svarte når kriminaliteten eksploderer? De fleste ønsker politiets nærvær.

«We’ve seen time and again that doesn’t work,» it continues. «Policing and the system under which police work exists is bound to the enslavement, degradation, and murder of Black people and was never meant to protect us, but instead to exploit our bodies and labor to fill prisons and bolster capitalism. No amount of feel-good videos can deny that truth – no dancing, ice cream peddling, dance videos, BBQ eating COPAGANDA can change that.»



BLM DC complains that shot police officers treated as ‘heroes’ in ‘tear jerker press conferences’



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