Som et lite apropós til saken mot Ghislaine Maxwell, som i seg selv har blitt en farse, viser det seg at FBI ventet 18 måneder fra de ble kjent med at CNN-produsenten John Griffin kjøpte seg en ni-årig jente for sex, før de arresterte ham sist fredag.

Det er Fox News som har saken: Longtime CNN producer John Griffin’s devices seized 17 months before child sex trafficking arrest

3500 dollar skal Griffin ha betalt adoptivmoren til en ni-årig jente fra Nevada. Hun tok fly opp til Boston og møtte der Griffin som i sin Tesla kjørte dem til feriepalass på et vintersportssted i Vermont.

I et senere vitnemål skal niåringen ha beskrevet palasset som en garasje med tre etasjer.

The woman allegedly flew the 9-year-old from Nevada to Boston, Massachusetts, where Griffin is accused of picking them up in a Tesla and driving them to his $2 million vacation house in a Vermont ski town, according to the federal indictment.


In the Nevada complaint, the 9-year-old described the Vermont house as «a cabin with a garage and three floors.» She also told investigators that «a man named John» picked her up from the airport in a red Tesla.

The revolting allegations include text messages about explicit activities involving the child.

Jentungen ble så returnert til sin biologiske mor som ikke hadde full omsorgsrett for henne. Da hun ikke fikk tak i adoptivmoren, begynte saken å rulle. Via datterens telefon fikk moren tilgang til eksplisitte meldinger som adoptivmoren hadde utvekslet med Griffin. Hun ringte så Griffin, som fortalte at adoptivmoren hadde havnet på sykehus – etter BDSM-sex. Han nektet for å ha misbrukt datteren, som etter hvert ble avhørt av en sosialarbeider.

…the 9-year-old told investigators that the «weird» activities began at her adoptive mom’s home after the start of «quarantine» – described as the beginning of the coronavirus lockdown in mid-March 2020.

The Nevada woman faces numerous felony counts including child abuse, sex assault and lewdness with a minor. Many of them are unrelated to the Vermont trip.

The charges that do involve Griffin allege that he watched as the child was made to perform lewd acts with the adoptive mother. After three nights of this alleged activity, the child refused to participate further.

Between April and July 2020, John Griffin allegedly invited three women and their underage daughters over «for the purposes of sexual training,» according to the federal indictment. The third and final charge pertains to the Nevada child.

Griffin faces three counts of sex trafficking minors, one of which is related to the Vermont visit. If convicted, he could face up to life in prison.

Som om ikke dette er ille nok, er den virkelige skandalen at det tok FBI 18 måneder fra tiltalen ble tatt ut, til Griffin ble arrestert, sist fredag.

It also reveals that authorities first became aware of Griffin’s depraved proclivities 18 months ago – yet the FBI didn’t arrest him until Friday in Connecticut for allegedly soliciting three mothers and their underage daughters for «training» on fetish sex.

The third count in the federal indictment out of Vermont is based on the encounter with the 9-year-old in July 2020, for which Griffin paid the mom $3,500 via Venmo.

Statsadvokaten i Vermont ville ikke kommentere årsakene til at FBI ventet i 18 måneder.

A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Vermont did not immediately return a request for comment on the reason for the delay in charging Griffin.

For å gjøre skandalen fullkommen, så tyder den siste oppdateringen fra Fox News på at Griffin torsdag ble løslatt fra varetekt.

Griffin is in custody awaiting his next appearance in federal court. U.S. Marshals in Connecticut told Fox News Wednesday that Griffin was in the custody of U.S. Marshals in Vermont. But Fox later learned that he was being held at the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility in Rhode Island and left the facility Thursday morning.

Denne saken når selvsagt ikke opp i de amerikanske gammelmediene, som har en langt historie i å beskytte maktens menn og kvinner, som Hunter Biden, Clinton-familien og andre.

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