Det oppsto sammenstøt mellom Antifa og folk som demonstrerte for vaksinetvang og munnbindpåbud i Boston søndag. Antifa, som kaller seg antifascister, viser sin fascistiske side, nok en gang.
Selv om politiet stilte opp i fullt opprørsutstyr, klarte de ikke å forhindre pøbelen fra Antifa i å angripe demonstrantene. Antifa gikk også til angrep på politiet.
The two groups clashed on at least one occasion, with Antifa members appearing to overpower police as they broke through the fence line. The rally was organized by Super Happy Fun America and the Refounding Fathers Coalition, with the event being aimed to «resist vaccine passports, face diapers, mass layoffs, and unconstitutional mandates.»
Fighting erupted at the Boston Common between far-left/antifa & anti-vaccine mandate protesters. Antifa called for comrades to shut down the rally, saying opposition to government Covid-19 mandates is fascist & white supremacist.
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 7, 2021
Med plakater av Stalin, Mao og andre kommunistiske «helter» fra 1900-tallet marsjerte Antifa inn til kamp mot en gruppe med det nokså lite skremmende navnet Super Happy Fun America and the Refounding Fathers Coalition.
Demonstrantene som ble angrepet, svarte med det klassiske Let’s go Brandon.
At one point during the rally, a UHaul brought by the protestors was damaged as they attempted to leave the area. Antifa members shouted «Nazis out» as the van sped away. According to NBC 10, the driver of that van was reportedly arrested.
Men som USAs sittende president sa det: – Antifa is an idea, not an organization.