Svære transportfly går halvtomme ut av Kabul. Taliban har lagt en jernring rundt flyplassen. Afghanere slipper ikke gjennom. Bare utlendinger med utenlandske pass. Men selv disse blir sittende fast i køene utenfor flyplassen. Frykten stiger for at tusenvis av utlendinger vil bli sittende fast

Those on the ground say the Taliban are blocking anyone who does not have a foreign passport from entering the airport, meanwhile foreigners including British and German expats say they have become trapped in the chaos, unable to get through the disorderly crowds to board flights home.

Vestlige land har lovet å ta tusenere av afghanere, men slik Taliban håndhever reglene virker det usannsynlig at de vil slippe ut.

The situation is fueling fears that the West’s Afghan allies have almost no hope of making it out of Afghanistan. And there are growing fears that the fate of Westerners could become a bargaining chip for the Taliban, and they could even end up as hostages.

Skrekkscenariet er en gisselsituasjon med tusenvis av utlendinger.

Sources told Bild that the German Ministry of Defence fears that the Taliban could take hostages as leverage for upcoming negotiations in Doha. Foreign Minister Hieko Mass said on Monday that the German government is seeking contact with the militants.

Kaoset som hersker smitter over på soldatene som foretar merkelige valg. En nederlender viste passet sitt til en amerikansk soldat som ikke brød seg om det. Da mannen insisterte på å slippe inn, truet soldaten med å skyte ham.

Transportfly a la C-17 med kapasitet til å ta 600 mennesker, flyr ut med bare noen titall om bord.

Massive US cargo planes are taking off with an average of just 100 passengers from Kabul – despite being able to carry more than 600.

Flights bound for Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, France and Italy – which between them have vowed to rescue thousands of people – have been taking off with just a few dozen people on board despite having capacity to take hundreds.

In one case, a German plane with room for 150 departed Kabul on Tuesday with just seven on board.

Det befinner seg rundt 50.000 mennesker utenfor flyplassen, de fleste av dem afghanere.

Ingen aner hvordan dette vil ende. Hvis ikke flyene fylles opp kan det fort bli en akutt krise. Taliban bryr seg ikke. Det er ikke deres problem kan det se ut som.


Massive US cargo planes are taking off with just 100 passengers from Kabul – despite ability to carry 600 – as Taliban close off airport making entry impossible for Afghans – amid fears thousands of westerners will end up HOSTAGES

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