Det dukker stadig opp nye ting i forbindelse med Hunter Bidens nye rolle som kunstmaler, som reflekterer negativt på ham og Det hvite hus. Galleristen som skal selge kunsten, Georges Berges, har tette bånd til Kina, viser det seg.

Berges said in a 2015 interview with Residentthat he wanted to be the art world’s leader in China.

«My plan is to be the lead guy in China; the lead collector and art dealer discovering and nurturing talent from that region,» Berges said. «I plan to find and discover and bring to the rest of the world those I consider China’s next generation of modern artists.»

For å hindre at kundene kjøper seg politisk innflytelse gjennom å kjøpe kunst, har Det hvite hus avtalt at Hunter ikke skal vite navnet på kundene. Men nå skal det holdes et møte med kundene og der skal Hunter være til stede.

A representative for Berges previously told Fox News that the sales of Biden’s art will be kept «confidential.» The White House has said they have an ethics plan in place to ensure the president’s son doesn’t know who buyers are, though Hunter has raised eyebrows with plans to attend art shows where potential buyers will be in attendance.

Det meste rundt kunsten faller uheldig ut. Den er kritisert for å være hotellromkunst og vilt overpriset. Etikkrådgiver under Obama, Walter Shaub, sier det hele stinker. Bildene koster mellom 75.000 og 500.000 dollar stykket. Hvorfor skulle noen være villig til å betale slike latterlige summer hvis det ikke var for å kjøpe seg goodwill hos pappa Joe, spør man seg.

Three art critics and one art professor were asked by POLITICO earlier this week what they thought of Biden’s art and whether it warrants the half-million dollar price tag.

All of them said the prices were too high for what the art is and that the piece’s astronomical value came from Biden’s name, not his skill.

«In the case of anyone who has a celebrity name outside of art, as with Hunter Biden, it’s clearly the name of the artist that’s driving the price and if it sells, then that’s probably also the motivating factor for the person who buys it,» London art critic Tabish Khan said in the article.

Hunter har hele sitt voksne liv drevet med influence pendling, dvs tjent penger på å kjenne de rette menneskene, ikke minst sin far. Ikke før har han møtt noen før han gjør et fremstøt for å se om det er muligheter, slik det ble sagt at han gjorde da han ble presentert for den franske ambassadøren. Noen dager senere kom forespørselen om bussiness.

Galleristen Berges gjør forretninger i Kina og har et lurvete rulleblad.

In a 2014 interview with Quest magazine, Berges noted that he travels to China «three or four times a year» and that, at the time, he had a «solid group of about 25 collectors, most of them overseas.»

Additionally, in 1998, Berges was chargedwith assault with a deadly weapon and «terrorist threats,» which were later dismissed after 90 days in jail and 36 months probation.

Berges was also accused of defrauding an investor, Ingrid Arneberg, of half a million dollars and subsequently sued in 2016. Berges countersued Arneberg, settling the suit two years later.



Hunter Biden’s art dealer said he wanted to be the ‘lead guy in China’ in 2015

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