En toppmedarbeider i det kinesiske innenriksdepartementet hoppet i februar av til USA og hadde med seg en ufattelig mengde statshemmeligheter. Kineserne skall ha vært så opphisset over avhoppingen at de på møtet med utenriksminister Tony Blinken forlangte å få ham utlevert. Men Blinken var ikke klar over at USA satt på den eksklusive avhopperen og avslo.
Chinese-language anti-communist media and Twitter are abuzz this week with rumors that a vice minister of State Security, Dong Jingwei (董经纬) defected in mid-February, flying from Hong Kong to the United States with his daughter, Dong Yang.
Dong is, or was, a longtime official in China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS), also known as the Guoanbu. His publicly available background indicates that he was responsible for the Ministry’s counterintelligence efforts in China, i.e., spy-catching, since being promoted to vice minister in April 2018. If the stories are true, Dong would be the highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic of China.
Dong har informasjon om hvem som finansierte gain-of-function -forskning ved laboratoriet i Wuhan. Hans avhopping kan ha bidratt til at Biden ombestemte seg og ville finne ut opphavet til viruset likevel.
Not only does Dong have detailed information about China’s special weapons systems, the Chinese military’s operation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and the Chinese government’s assets and sources within the United States; Dong has extremely embarrassing and damaging information about our intelligence community and government officials in the “terabytes of data” he’s provided to the DIA.
Det er altså Forsvarets e-tjeneste han hoppet av til og de holder kortene tett.
Dong har med topphemmeligheter til USA og man må bare håpet at amerikansk etterretning ikke så kompromittert at han blir avspist med tomme løfter.
In addition, Dong has provided DIA with the following information:
- Early pathogenic studies of the virus we now know as SARS-CoV-2
- Models of predicted COVID-19 spread and damage to the US and the world
- Financial records detailing which exact organizations and governments funded the research on SARS-CoV-2 and other biological warfare research
- Names of US citizens who provide intel to China
- Names of Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities
- Financial records showing US businessmen and public officials who’ve received money from the Chinese government
- Details of meetings US government officials had (perhaps unwittingly) with Chinese spies and members of Russia’s SVR
- How the Chinese government gained access to a CIA communications system, leading to the death of dozens of Chinese people who were working with the CIA.
Hvordan kom kineserne over CIAs kommunikasjonssystem?
En tredel av studentene – 360.000 i tallet – er i USA under falske navn, siden de er barn av høytstående partimedlemmer eller folk i hæren.
Again, according to sources, Dong told DIA debriefers that at least a third of Chinese students attending US universities are PLA assets or part of the Thousand Talents Plan and that many of the students are here under pseudonyms. One reason for using pseudonyms is that many of these students are the children of high-ranking military and party leaders.
BREAKING: Chinese Defector’s Identity Confirmed, Was Top Counterintelligence Official