Talsmann for amerikansk UD, Ned Price, sier han har sett bildene av drepte palestinske barn og synes de er forferdelige. Price refererer hele tiden til følelser som målestokken på USAs reaksjoner.

“I’ve seen those pictures. It’s hard not to look at those pictures and feel a sense of the suffering,” he says solemnly. “It’s precisely why today we have called for restraint and de-escalation in an effort to preserve life.”

He also calls Hamas rocket attacks “horrific.”

He also says: “We call for restraint and for calm. Israel has the right to defend itself and to respond to rocket attacks.

“The Palestinian people also have the right to safety and security, just as Israelis do,” Price tells reporters.

“Reports of civilian deaths are something that we regret and would like to come to a stop,” Price adds. “We don’t want to see provocations. The provocations we have seen have resulted in a deeply lamentable loss of life,” he says.

Ned Price ble møtt med at Biden-administrasjonen har nedvurdert Israel-palestinerne og latt spørsmålet være underordnet eventuelle forhandlinger med Iran.

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