President Xi Jinping har holdt flere taler internt der han sier at kontroll med internett over hele verden er nøkkelen til Kinas dominans. Kinas forstår kompleksiteten i systemene og har en plan for hvordan de skal skaffe seg kontroll.

Xi sier Kina må få kontroll med de såkalte rot-serverne. De fleste ligger i USA. Hvis man har kontroll med rotserverne kan man styre trafikken og eliminere uønsket stoff.

Domain Name System (DNS) root servers are key to internet communications around the world. It directs users to websites they intend to visit. There are more than 1,300 root servers in the world, about 20 of which are located in China while the United States has about 10 times that, according to the website

If the Chinese regime were to gain control over more root servers, they could then redirect traffic to wherever they want, Gary Miliefsky, cybersecurity expert and publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine, told The Epoch Times. For example, if a user wants to go to a news article about a topic deemed sensitive by Beijing, then the regime’s DNS server could route the user to a fake page saying the article is no longer online.

Kina forsøker å plassere sine folk i ledelsen for internasjonale organisasjoner som tildeler domenenavn. Kina har forstått strukturen på nettet og hvordan det fungerer.

First, Beijing needs to be able to “set the rules” governing the international system. Second, it should install CCP surrogates in important positions in global internet organizations. Third, the regime should gain control over the infrastructure that underlies the internet, such as root servers, Xi said.

Huawei foreslo å bygg et nytt internett som er raskere og smartere. Men det vil være under kinesisk kontroll. Huawei har brukt utbygging av 5G som lokkemat.

In 2019, Chinese telecom giant Huawei first proposed the idea for an entirely new internet, called New IP (internet protocol), to replace the half-century-old infrastructure underpinning the web. New IP is touted to be faster, more efficient, flexible, and secure than the current internet, and will be built by the Chinese.

While New IP may indeed bring about an improved global network, Miliefsky said, “the price for that is freedom.”

“There’s going to be no free speech. And there’s going to be eavesdropping in real-time, all the time, on everyone,” he said. “Everyone who joins it is going to be eavesdropped by a single government.”

Kina har lykkes å få en topposisjon i FN-organisasjonen som bestemmer standardene for nettet.

The proposal was made at a September 2019 meeting held at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a U.N. agency responsible for setting standards for computing and communications issues that is currently headed by Chinese national Zhao Houlin. New IP is set to be formally debated at the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly to be held in March 2022.

Nå har Kina støtt på problemer. Huaweis fremgang har stanset opp og flere land er blitt oppmerksom på at Huawei er en trojansk hest. Men Kina har fortsatt mange venner, ikke minst i Washington og Wall Street som har latt seg kjøpe.

Ingenting er avgjort. Kina har fortsatt mange tråder de kan trekke i og kort de kan spille.


Chinese Leader Xi Jinping Lays out Plan to Control the Global Internet: Leaked Documents


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