Greta Thunberg blir hyllet med en bronsestatue ved britisk universitet. Foto: Facebook/ Christine Charlesworth
Den unge svenske klimaprinsessen Greta Thunberg blir hyllet med egen statue, som skal avdekkes 30. mars på Winchester University. Ledelsen håper Greta kan være til inspirasjon for studentene på det «grønne» universitetet.
Christine Charlesworth er kunstneren som står bak statuen av skolestreikeren Thunberg. Hun har brukt nesten et år på arbeidet med det hun antar er den første statuen av Thunberg i full størrelse, skriver Hampshire Chronicle.
She told the Chronicle: «I was commissioned by Winchester University who selected a few artists to give presentations of their ideas for a sculpture of Greta in March 2020.
«Originally the interview committee were talking about her sitting on the ground, wearing her yellow coat, but I felt strongly about portraying her telling more about the person she is. I was awarded the commission a number of weeks later due to all the problems with first lockdown.
«The university wanted a sculpture of Greta because it is a very ‘green’ University and they feel that Greta will be an inspiration to all the students.
Charlesworth jobber parallelt med statuer av to andre fkvinnelige ikoner: komponisten Dame Ethel Smyth og sufragetten Emily Wilding Davidson. Disse statuene skal avdekkes i mai og juni.
«I am very proud to have created three important female bronze statues for prominent places in the country and hope that I will be commissioned to create more in the future,» added Christine.
Greta Thunberg is now cast in bronze and I will visit the foundry next week to see patination – Winchester want her…
Posted by Christine Charlesworth on Saturday, March 13, 2021